Bowhunter's Ed Course?

MW Peewee

New Member
Does anyone know if there is any way to get certified for Bowhunter's Ed other than taking the actual class? I wanted to get certified for an urban tag, but when I checked the DNR page, it looks like the only course avaiable this month is in Vinton at a time when I already have plans. Are there other classes near Des Moines that are not included on the DNR site?

Thanks for any input.

I think there is one at Happy Apple Archery in Norwalk in August. PM Doublerack. I think he knows the date.
pm me too !
Update in case anyone else needs the class - Happy Apple is having an all day class on August 18th starting at 8, and Archery Field & Sports also has one split over two days, Aug 11 and 12, at 6-9:30 both nights. I'm not sure how many spots are left at either places, but you can call to find out.
