Deep South Bowhunter
New Member
Hi everyone i am new to the board and was looking for some suggestions on Bowhunting Iowas public Land. I have been buying preference points since 2011 and currently have 5. I am wanting to apply in the next week or so but was looking for suggestions from residents to make sure i am making the best decision i possibly can. I am considering Zone 5 but willing to put in for anyone that offers the most and best opportunities for decent hunting and possibly primitive camping near bye. Anyone willing to suggest some Public Ground either on this thread or by PM? It would be greatly appreciated. I have looked at the interactive map for years now and have basically become more and more confused lol. I am just trying to have the best possible time i can for the one time i will probably ever go through this process and pay the price for the tag to experience Iowa. I am no stranger to Public Land as that's all i have ever hunted. Going in far and staying late is no problem. Thanks for any help in advance and good luck to all this coming season.