I’ll let this one stay up here. No problem. As lame as it is. I’ll tell u exactly what this is....
ME - my “big game violation”. This one is gonna be a whopper & shock folks!!! ....
I got pulled over 16 years ago & in the back of my truck with a topper that I had no way of getting to.... as the officers came up with flashlights (they often looked for booze & drunk drivers - which I had zero) - they saw I had an uncased bow that was laying on top of an open hard bow case on the pad. My exact discussion was this “I’m sorry. Do u really think I was poaching or intentionally doing something wrong?” “No. U do have headlights & could shine a deer according to rules. I do have a intern with me so I have to go BY THE BOOKS & give u a citation for the bow though”. I even spoke with him the next day as I was upset about it “you could go to court” he said. “I know u were not trying to do anything bad. Rules are rules though”. I paid the citation. Was I in the wrong- sure. Was I intentionally doing anything wrong? PLEASE! No. I had my step dad & non-Hunting step brother with me. I had a sealed topper & bow in the topper/bed, I could not get to... even if I was a shade ball (don’t know too many folks poaching with a bow either!). This wasn’t even a bow in cab that was within my reach- was in back of truck with topper. No excuse but this is beyond lame & this is a citation for a stupid ticket that had ZERO devious intentions or results.
oh - the next one- this one is JUICY!!!!! My brother shot 7-8 Does the late antlerless season on a farm that had a major deer issue. Had all the deer in town hanging outside house. Neighbor called sheriff as they were offended on the hanging deer & thought it was against the law. Of the 7-8 deer.... ONE, yes ONE..... either didn’t have the date notched or was mis-tagged (like another doe tag from other season) - I can’t recall which one. Absolutely a minor mistake & overlooked error on putting tags on. My bro said “give me a ticket. It’s my mistake”. He owned it right there. Again- OOOOOOHHHHH Man- what a violation !!! He asked for the citation. & paid it. Accidentally & unintentionally not 100% properly tagging 1 of 7-8 deer. WOW!!!!
We keep this up here ... I’m totally fine with it & got nothing to hide or sugar coat. If anyone has a comment- go ahead. No problem. In 25 years of hunting , yep- this is my record. I’ll make no excuse for it. If this shocks or offends someone deeply - post away!!!
I also had 2 speeding tickets in the last 20 years. Just so everyone knows.