Bows problems


PMA Member
I was shooting my bow last week, and it was shooting real nice. It was shooting right were it was last fall. Last night i pulled it out of the case and it was shooting a foot low. I shot a dozen arrows and all of them were patterning a foot low. I have no idea what happened. Could the string have stretched last week when i shot and caused the problem?
Do you think that the sight may have moved? I'd make sure everything is tight on your sight, or you could've possibly just bumped it against something hard and moved it?
Your nocking point or peep could have slid or sight could be loose or bent. Its always a good idea to use permenant marker or whiteout to mark nock point, peep position, and sight adjustments to check in case this happens. If you take it out tonight and shoot it and everything "feels" like it should at full draw and when the shot goes off and its still off I would mark all the nock and peep positions and then resight in and then mark your sight. Also another thing to check is your release if I have my release one hole too tight then it will change my nock point enough to make a difference in my point of impact. Give those a try and good luck
I would check your peep. Is your peep tied in. If not try sliding it. If your rest and sight are solid I would take a guess at your peep or nocking point.
What kind of rest are you shooting?

If it is a drop-away, it could be that it is not coming up all the way and that is causing you to shoot low..

Also check to make sure your sight or nocking point didn't move.

It is more then likely one of these three things that is causing it..

Good Luck..
I'd say you would have felt awkward if your peep had moved. Definately check your nock and your arrow rest. My not slipped once on the string that when I draw pulls my drop-away up. Could be any number of things, I'd say check it ALL and eliminate things you know are as they should be, kind of a process of elimination.
I checked my drop away and it was coming up all the way. I checked my peep and my nock and i couldn't move either one of those. I'm stumped.
If your using a dropaway that is connected to your cable then you might want check to make sure that the knot itself has not moved. Your rest can still be coming all the way up but your timing of the rest might have changed. I had this happen 3 weeks ago at the IBO shoot in Omaha. Check your timing of your rest. If your strings stretch you would be shooting faster and there for you should be shooting high.
I had the same thing happen to me in 2007. I checked and moved everything I could think of and it never completely fixed the problem; peep, dropaway rest, sight, etc. After putting on a new string, the problem disappeared. It was the stock string and I was in my third year with that bow... should have known better.
If you get some serving thread you can serve some above your loop to help keep that from happening again otherwise it would be a good idea to mark it so you can keep an eye on it in the future. If you want I can bring some serving thread with on the hunt and do it for you if you dont have any