Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Here are some more pictures. My wife really wants me committed to the pajama party in the hospital... she just doesn't understand...



What about the Commander??? The Guardian gets all the hype but I was looking at the Bowtech catalog and I see the Commander is a longer axle to axle and a slightly longer brace height. Anybody shot one of these side by side with the Guardian? Just curious.
I'm been reading your posts and like what I'm hearing so far. Just curious what you all think about the other models by BowTech, such as the Allegiance and the Equalizer.
I have not shot the Equilizer but the Allegiance is a heck of a bow and fast to boot. I almost bought a Tribute last year but the Guardian pushed me over the edge...

I got a chance to shoot my Guardian quite a bit yesterday and I still can't get over how little hand shock there is.
The new Tribute and Allegiance have more hand shock this year, possibly from being quite a bit lighter. Still good bows, but the Guardian is the bow to beat IMO. No opinions on the Commander yet.
Ordered my Guardian yesterday...shot it side by side with the vectrix, the new mathews the day before, and while they are all excellent bows the guardian sells itself...wow what a shooter...cant wait for it to come in...Nug
alright, i don't wanna get anyone fired up, but a buddy I know and trust says BowTech's lose 25 fps in cold weather. Just Curious your feelings.
No idea, and it could be a flaw. I didn't go Bowtech for the speed, I enjoy the smooth quietness. I mean really, yes speed can be an advantage, but where do you draw the line. Mature archery hunters don't take shots at a anxious, edgy deer. I'm still far from a pro, but I don't even do that. What we need to get biologists involved to see what a whitetails reaction time is. Then only settle for a bow that can top that???
alright, i don't wanna get anyone fired up, but a buddy I know and trust says BowTech's lose 25 fps in cold weather. Just Curious your feelings.

[/ QUOTE ]

I highly doubt this, but you never know. I never noticed any difference in performance from when it was 80 out to when it was in the single digits, the does all died the same... fast!
alright, i don't wanna get anyone fired up, but a buddy I know and trust says BowTech's lose 25 fps in cold weather. Just Curious your feelings.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not really sure how this could even be possible. But you never know I guess.
All I know is the guardian I shot Friday was FAST!!!

I also shot the Vectrix. Nice bow but doesn't even compare to the Guardian IMO.
To anybody that has shot the Vectrix: Did it seem to you that the string suppressor was loud?
The one I shot made an aweful noise when shot. Not to bash Hoyt because they made a big step up from last year. The Vectix is a night and day difference from my Trykon. A lot slimmer and lighter and a much smoother draw. Just wondering if anybody else noticed this noise.

Is that Spot-Hogg your hunting sight? And how do you like it? Trying to figure out what sight to put on the Guardian. Thinking a Spot-Hogg to compliment the Whammy but also very interested in the new Dead Nuts 2.
It is my hunting site and I really like it. It will stay on my Guardian but I am getting the dead nuts 2 supreme or comp from Boyd whenever he gets them in. I like the way they beefed them up. I will put that on my Switchback.
Well I guess it's a little late for me to say how sweet they are, seems every one beat me to it [image]

and a Commander
Mike that just isnt right, so me those pictures before my Brush Cammy comes in.
Man those HWD Grey sure turned out nice.
crackers, the top picture is in the Realtree Hardwoods HD? Is the bottom one the normal Mossy Oak Obsession? Perchance have one in that's in the Mossy Oak Brush?


Muddy, top is Realtree HWD grey or regular hardwoods. Bottom is the Obsession and not a very good pic but this is the brush.

If you come the the Gathering (Hopefully I will have it by then) My guardian is going to be the Brush Camo

Found a little closer pic of the brush camo
I like that Realtree Hardwoods HD, the Brush ain't bad either, but the Fall HD is NICE.
I shot the Vectrix, Guardian, and 07 Tribute tonight side-by-side at Scheel's. Kind of cramped in their tiny shooting closet, but at least I got to shoot 5 arrows out of each. All were very sweet shooters, and to be honest, I did not notice a night & day difference between any of them. I was shooting mainly to assess draw cycle, noise, and hand shock/vibration. The Vectrix seemed to have the smoothest draw, but it was heavier and had a louder twang, which seemed to come from the string suppressor. I loved the grips and balance of the Bowtechs. Of the two Bowtechs, I actually felt like the Tribute was just as smooth and quiet, and it didn't even have a stabilizer on it. I had them put a S-coil on it, and it felt about the same. I'm gonna have to shoot them all again to make a pick. I'll probably have to make a trip to Buck Hollow soon and try to make a decision.
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