Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Email sent! Keep sending them guys, it can't hurt as long as you are respectful. It is super easy to do and it doesn't matter if you write a page or a couple sentences.
Spoke to one of my friends today and was told that his friend found over 40 DEAD BUCKS this past fall from EHD. Thats 40 freggin bucks and the state does not know about. This area got hit hard hard. Now take a 2 mile area and remove 70% of the bucks and see what happens. I have no count on the does found.
Money well spent because you could hunt multiple seasons and multiple counties or you bought extra doe tags with no intention on filling them?

They allowed me to hunt across a bunch of seasons starting Sept 15 and ending this coming Sunday. For the amount I've been hunting, it's been affordable entertainment. The urban hunt didn't quite work out as envisioned, but oh well.
Yeah I have a ton of doe tags leftover, probably like 9 or 10. I only buy that many because I hunt 6 different counties over 2 seasons (bow & muzz). Like the option of taking a doe if the opportunity presents itself but as I've said before, using my judgment this year I decided not to take any. As Randy said, money well spent. Those dollars will go towards conservation plus kept some tags out of the hand of those who want to slaughter everything.
I didn't fill either one of my tags, antlerless or any-sex. Every time I kept thinking I'd go out I would read all these posts from guys who already killed their deer urging me not to over tax the deer herd and I'd feel guilty.

Just kidding, I was too busy this year to put much effort into it. Either way, I've got 2 tags, unfilled. I think I may put them in the crockpot tomorrow to soften them up. Anybody know how to get rid of the bitter failure taste?

Tempiton Rye.
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