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Brassica yellowing


Active Member
My brassicas are yellowing and I believe it's due to nitrogen deficiency.

Whats the best method to fix this besides broadcasted urea before a rain?
Urea evaporates if rain isn't in forecast
There is a liquid folleor spray but I would not recommend it.
Tried it once with similar circumstances.
Did not help one bit.
I've learned the hard way$$$ when planting brassicas,

Don't skip on the fertilizer from the get go.
If your in southern iowa lack of water could be an issue also not much rain for over a month now

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I've been extremely dry on my farm since July. Almost all the rains missed me this summer..The ground has huge cracks in it all over the farm, and all the grass is dead. It's way drier this year than last on my farm, and I could not even plant brassica this year
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Same. My peas are yellowing quick, along with some radish. Without any rain in the next week, I suspect I'll be losing some daily..
I looked at 2 plots last Saturday and noticed the same thing. One was really yellowing. Hopefully rain coming this week. Bean plots look great though.
few days after a rain- u will know how u are setting for success/failure. It’s a pain in rear but if folks do have failure- can still get in dbltree mix. Worth it big time. Or at least spread rye in bare areas.
If they on decent soil & don’t die of course- bet they bounce back. & yes- nutrients could be an issue too. Treated urea would be the ideal solution on N deficiency.
Still doing well in Minnesota …shaded part of the day helps !
I've been ready alot about it and apparently you can liquify uflex in a sprayer tank and spray on brassicas or whatever needs nitrogen and it doesn't compromise it's stability. Found this interesting since you don't need to time it with rain in this case
Pretty typical of most plots I've checked.... get away from trees and they hanging on for now

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Yep that’s exactly what I’m seeing as well. Also side hills or very poor soil plots are showing just like this too.

You going to throw some rye/oats down in to compensate? Or call it a year and it’ll be what it’ll be? I’m torn on wha to do. Felt like there’s enough food if the rain comes.
Yep that’s exactly what I’m seeing as well. Also side hills or very poor soil plots are showing just like this too.

You going to throw some rye/oats down in to compensate? Or call it a year and it’ll be what it’ll be? I’m torn on wha to do. Felt like there’s enough food if the rain comes.
I doubt we plant a whole bunch more. Might do a lil. For most part will let it ride
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