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Brassicas in standing corn


Active Member
I was reading on here a while back and came across someone broadcasting a brassica mix into standing corn. I am thinking of doing this same thing now with this rain the way it has come down. If you have done this, I’m assuming the best way is to broadcast below waste level so the seed has a chance to be spread out further? And once the corn has been heavily eaten and no more ears left, would you mow the corn over or would you just leave the corn standing through late season? Or possibly mow a more open area where a Bow shot would be possible, while leaving standing corn on perimeter to screen plot? My goal in this is to have some good late season food plots that are now standing corn. It’s an 80 acre field, and I would be leaving 3 acre or so fingers of corn left standing with brassicas between rows. Anyone had any luck with this approach?
What does your corn look like? If your corn is tall and has canopied I wouldn’t waste the money as I wouldn’t expect much to grow. If the deer have prevented your corn from succeeding you could give it a go. You are really sucking the N out of your soil by doing this though and the corn may have already taken too much for the brassicas to succeed.

Brassicas/beans would be a much better combo

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I went over the top of some beans at the end of July, anywhere the sun is hitting the ground the brassicas look great, anywhere there was too much shade it was a wast of money, time. I won't do it again unless I have big gaps I need to fill in. You might have to worry some about herbicide if you are planning on going over the top of a farmers corn field if there is some residual chem out there.
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