Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Brassicas not touched

Id replace the brassicas with Rye...it probably needs a break from the brassicas anyway. You won't be sorry and you can come back to brassicas another time. You could even run a small brassica test plot if you really wanted.
Rye still seems to be #1 used food source in late season especially if corn/beans is not an easy option for you. Rye broadcasted into corn and beans even better!! Not nearly as common but broadcasting rye into brassicas in late sept/early october if they have hammered it early can supplement your brassicas plot well. Even if it’s late planted if the rye can get some sunlight/moisture your failed or unused brassica plot will still be a draw if you have rye in it too. They always get eaten, shrivel up/die/rot giving some sunlight to the broadcasted rye that often grows plenty with a little rain and warm weather in oct/nov.
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