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Breech plug and 209 Primer

Phil W

New Member
I have just bought a new left over Tradition Buckstalker .50 rifle. It was made in 2010 and does not have the accelerator breech plug. It has the hex head breech plug with the concave pocket where the powder sits. I haven't shot it yet. I noticed when I place a Winchester W209 primer in the primer pocket, it lack several thousandths from fitting flush with the breech plug face. Is this normal? I though maybe it was designed that way so you could use your finger nails to remove the spent primer. If it was flush, how would you get the spent primer out? The gun closes fine with the primer in place. Also, I checked the diameter of the breech plug's flash hole at work with some pin gauges. It is .034". Will this be fine with Blackhorn 209 powder? Any advice or experience with this would be appreciated.
I know CVA sells blackhorn specific breach plugs. I think you can get them for traditions also.
I shoot a cva accura v2 with 120grains of blackhorn with the recommend breach plug and primer. The setup is extremely accurate
The Winchester primers seem to be just a little longer than other primers. Blackhorn recommends a hot primer and Federal are the hottest followed by CCI Mag primers which I use in my Encore. I'm using the same plug that came in my Encore, but from what I've read the CVA's seem to have more trouble than others when using blackhorn with the stock plug. I'd shoot it and see if you have any hang fires. Remember with blackhorn and loose 777, they are 20% hotter than the pellets or other powders so 120 grains by volume is equal to 150 grains of say loose pyrodex or pellets. Not familiar with your model but make sure it's rated for a magnum charge.
http://www.mcmaster.com/#9262k611/=qxt771 This is a web site for metric rubber o-rings that go in the primer pocket, 1 will last 20 or 25 shots, then just replace it, It will help with your blow back from the primer, Have used them in the older CVA Optimas, and a couple of other with hex head breech plugs. Shooting BH 209, you will need to get a drill bit, to clean the carbon out of the flash hole where the primer goes, some will use a 1/8 th drill bit, DO NOT USE a drill to clean it out, use 2 fingers to turn it inside of the breech plug, I do it about every 3rd shot when target shooting while letting the barrel cool. Shooting BH 209, start off with 90 gr of powder and go up in 5 grs up to 120 gr, when the group starts to open up, drop back to what you were shooting and getting your best group, that will be your sweet load. Then try some different bullets and sabots to fine the right combo that your muzzy likes for the best accuracy.

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