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Broadcasting Soybeans

As anyone has success broadcasting and then covering soybeans? Obviously, I don't have a planter. My plan was to disc up the ground and broadcast the soybeans and then drag to cover. What I intend on doing is to do this in 20' wide strips and leave a little path wide enough for my ATV so I can then spray the areas without running it over. I would eventually plant brassicas on those ATV strips later in July and then broadcast winter rye into the soys around Sept 1.
This will work fine I would disk seed in lightly and then drag. I wouldn't worry about leaving the strips. Come back in and disk what you want to plant into Brassicas in mid July and you will be good.
agree with all central iowa said. Planting all area broadcast I would use about 70# per acre and would "lightly" disk. want seed covered but not any deeper than about an inch. Word of caution, those soybeans feel like getting shot by a BB gun when coming off a broadcast spreader!
Good advice given so far. Definitely don't worry about running over the growing beans to spray, they will bounce back.

One additional thing - put up an exclusion cage, so you can see how well the beans actually did. Deer can put a hurting on a small plot of beans.

Check out this photo of our exclusion cage on an acre of beans a few summers ago here in PA...

Thanks for the info guys. I planted the beans April 29th in SW WI. Lightly disced them in.

Here's my question...I love 3 hours away so it's tough to get down there all the time. When would you first spray them? His coming week or the following week? Does it really matter?

Based on what my beans are doing here in central IA (slow starting), I doubt if a week one way or another will make a lot of difference. Pay attention to the weather forecast & spray em when you can. Good luck.
If u don't have a lot of control on your spray time- just spray em as u r able and good insurance is adding in pre-emergents. They work extremely well and also will buy u a few weeks if traditionally u were unable to make it to spray for a couple weeks. Couple weeks late now days with round up only and no pre emergents means, well, u can be pretty screwed when pigweed and waterhemp grow 1-2" per day and when u get to them at 12-24" - u basically will not have any success killing them in a lot of areas. So- bottom line- put pre's down IMO with ur roundup.
There is also products such as Warrant that you can put over emerged soybeans\corn to hold back grasses and weeds. Probably an excellent fit for food plots, but many are restricted use so would need your license to buy and use.
Warrant & sonic are both great and do not require a permit. U can buy those and also stuff like prowl online sent right to ur house even. I'd go on the heavier side of warrant according to label. I recall last yr putting some areas down at 40-45 oz of warrant (yes, on higher side but it did work better) & this year I'll probably do prowl as well. & Liberty link beans too.

That PA caged area is insane btw!! Wow!!! I had 10 acres get eaten to the soil- to the dirt a few years ago when I planted mine in a tucked in area. Incredible what they can do if that's all they r concentrated on.
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