I have had good success with buying some teflon bushings to put on the broadheads. All you do is screw on the broadhead and tighten down, the bushing adjusts the broadhead so its in the plane of the shaft. Tuning broadheads has got nothing to do with fletchings, its all about making sure your shaft, insert, and broadhead lie in the same plane. You can check by spining them on end. If they spin like a top then u are tuned, if they wobble then something is out of line. If you really want to tune then glue your inserts in with 24 hour drying glue. Then u can spin them and adjust the insert. Unless there is a serious problem, the bushings should compensate for any small amounts of misalignment. I have had great success with every broadhead I have used. From expandables to fix blades. I guess its a preference thing for me.