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broadheads not hitting right


PMA Member
I have a little bit of a dilemma. All summer, I shot PSE Sniper 300 arrows. They've shot pretty well for me and a month or so ago I tested one of my broadheads at the range on the PSE arrows to make sure it would fly correct. I will be using 100 grain Magnus Stinger buzzcuts this year. The stingers on the PSE arrows were dead on with my field tips from 10-50 yards. SWEET! Well fast forward a month and 1 broken and 1 lost arrow and I'm down to 1 good arrow. I don't have a problem going with 2 or 3, but not going out in the field with only 1. So, I elected to get a half dozen more arrows, but I didn't want to use the pse arrows due to them not being of very good construction. The shot okay, but didn't take any abuse very well. I went to the archery shop, and came out with a half dozen Muddy Bloodsport Hunters. Yesterday I shot probably 30 shots at different ranges with the new arrows and field tips just to make sure they were on. I had to make one minor adjustment and I am good to go. Today I went out to test one of the broadheads on the bloodsport arrow and they are not shooting the same as my field tips. They're not terrible (still easily within the killzone), but not as good as I'd really like. Any idea why a simple arrow change would do this? My first thought is maybe the fletching is the problem. Both bows have 2" blazers, but the PSE's were straight and the bloodsports are slightly skewed. Could that be it? I'm not too worried about it, but it's still a bit frustrating. thanks in advance for any advice.
What bow are you shooting. Draw length. Draw weight. How long are your arrows. What weight of feild tip and broadheads. That is a start to fix your problem. I'm going to guess that you have switched arrow spines and you are now either over or underspined. Are Your broadheads hitting. Left and right or up and down of your field points
Shooting a 2011 quest smoke, 67 lb, 29 inch draw. Arrow length is like 29.5 (can't remember exactly, I can measure one tomorrow). Shooting 100 grain tips and broadheads. The pse arrows were a 300 spline. The bloodsport arrows are the hunter which are a 55 75 arrow. Right now the broadheads are consistently hitting left of my field tips.
Its probably a spine issue. U are going to have to do a little broadhead tuning. If your broadheads are hitting left of field tips its because you have a tail right arrow flight. Mark your rest where it lines up with a fine tip pencil then move your rest in 1/32" (a little sometimes goes a long ways) increments to the left. Do this till your broadheads line up with your field points then move sights to line back up with your target. Cause when you move your rest your field tips will move a little left also but just in smaller increments then your broadheads. Remember everything is magnified when shooting broadheads when it come to tuning issues.
Going from a true .300 spine to a 55/75. With would be .400 spine will defiantly make a different. As said above just bump your rest a 64th to a 32nd at a time and hopefully they will come together for you. Read into walkback tuning and try that. If your close to a bow shop today with all this rain try to sneak in and papertune it. I always start out with paper to get close, walkback tune and then screw broadheads on. Should get them fairly close to each other. Great choice of broadhead by the way. I've shot a pile of deer with the 125 grain buzzcut
Great! Thanks for the info guys! I'll give that a shot and see what I can do. One question, if my arrows are tail right, wouldn't I want to move my rest to the right? You said moving the rest to the left, but that would seem backward in my mind.
yes. you would want to move your rest in very small increments to the right. move the broadheads twords the fieldpoints. broadheads are effected much more than feild points. sometimes it doesn't take much at all. sometimes you need to move it more than you would think. If they dont come together. start moving to left again until your back to where you started. from there you can keep going further left and see if that helps at all. Hopefully you dont have to end up taking this thing that far. should be a quick fix. get them hitting together and then move your sight over so everything is right on the money.
Yea its the spine of your arrow. A 55-75 is equivalent to a 400. So your PSE arrows were heavier therefore they were probably adjusting quicker out of your bow. Just move your rest like the other guys were saying and you will be ok. What are the weight of the arrows, Grains per inch?
I had a couple hours earlier so I played with it in my garage. Ended up moving the rest quite a ways to the right just as you guys said. I did some paper tuning as well and could never get a straight hit with the field tips. The tip was always a little left of the fletchings. But I did get the broadheads to hit with the field tips so that's all that really matters. I couldn't find the weight of those bloodsport arrows, but they are a 350 spline arrow, so yes they are probably a little lighter. Didn't know that little difference would have such an affect. Thanks again for all you help, I learned some good stuff with this little issue.
yes. you would want to move your rest in very small increments to the right. move the broadheads twords the fieldpoints. broadheads are effected much more than feild points. sometimes it doesn't take much at all. sometimes you need to move it more than you would think. If they dont come together. start moving to left again until your back to where you started. from there you can keep going further left and see if that helps at all. Hopefully you dont have to end up taking this thing that far. should be a quick fix. get them hitting together and then move your sight over so everything is right on the money.

Great advice right there :way:
What range are you shooting at LYON...

I worked through my adjustments at 10 yards today, then went to 20 and 30. The 30 is a fun shot at my place cause I have to open the doors of my house and garage and shoot all the way thru :D.
You have to remember that those broadheads have a very long blade which can cause planning. you need to make sure the arrows are stiff enough to keep your arrow under control.
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