Outdoor Fanatics
PMA Member
Many of you may have seen my first post about this buck, but now he's hard horned. The last pictures I got of this buck would of been around July 15, then he disappeared. On September 4th while out scouting I spotted him in a place that made total sense for a big buck to be. So the first thing I did was find the perfect tree and hung a stand. I was waiting to hang a camera until a scrape popped up, but what I found instead was a licking/rub branch (soon to be scrape). You'll see that branch hanging down in the top right corner of the pictures.
After seeing him in person and getting pictures, I can't figure out what he might score. When I saw him in person the first thing I said to myself was pictures don't do this buck justice. Which threw me for a loop on how big he actually is. My question is, how big do you think he is?
After seeing him in person and getting pictures, I can't figure out what he might score. When I saw him in person the first thing I said to myself was pictures don't do this buck justice. Which threw me for a loop on how big he actually is. My question is, how big do you think he is?