Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


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Many of you may have seen my first post about this buck, but now he's hard horned. The last pictures I got of this buck would of been around July 15, then he disappeared. On September 4th while out scouting I spotted him in a place that made total sense for a big buck to be. So the first thing I did was find the perfect tree and hung a stand. I was waiting to hang a camera until a scrape popped up, but what I found instead was a licking/rub branch (soon to be scrape). You'll see that branch hanging down in the top right corner of the pictures.

After seeing him in person and getting pictures, I can't figure out what he might score. When I saw him in person the first thing I said to myself was pictures don't do this buck justice. Which threw me for a loop on how big he actually is. My question is, how big do you think he is?
If u cover his brows up he looks like a mid 130s 8. I'd say he has an 'extra' 20 inches of brows so would guess him in the mid 50s.
I'm thinking he's 5.5+ so he would be a deer that gets shot in my book regardless of size. He probably breaks 50 with those brows.
If u cover his brows up he looks like a mid 130s 8. I'd say he has an 'extra' 20 inches of brows so would guess him in the mid 50s.

That seems reasonable to me ^^, I might peg him a few inches bigger than that if anything, but I would be launching an arrow if I had the chance!
I think the other assessments are pretty close and he's definitely a mature deer. He's not super wide, but he has good height, mass and those brows are killer; so 150's easy. Glad you located him again! Shooter for sure in my book.
To make this more interesting for you guys, I found his sheds last year. He has around 151 last year. He's a picture of him last year and this year.


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