if ya'll can remember, i posted a pic of a monster 12 point a while back, i believe the post was called "12 point pushing 200 inches". anyways the pic from that post is below. but i am making this post to let ya'll know that this deer was killed on the last day of our muzzleloader season this past year, the story of this monster is as follows: <ul type="square"> i first spotted this buck on september 3 2003. after the morning that i spotted him i was in the woods every day there after to try and capture this deer on film and try to get his pattern because bow season was only a month away. well i filmed bucks every evening in the month of september and only caught him on film 3 times. the above photo is that best i have got of him. anyways bow season started and i set out after this buck and this buck only. i was in the woods day after day after him and passed up 2 140-150 class bucks and a quite a few 120-130 class bucks just so i could set my pins on this monster which i named "BRUTUS". thought for sure i would get him in shotgun season, but he was never seen again until the first day of muzzleloading season. the sighting on the first day of muzzleloading season was a typical sighting. that day i had taken my godson hunting for the first time and he took a nice button buck. after we had tagged it in we took it back to my house for pictures and and as a few family members gathered 'round, my next door neighbor and his family were putting on a drive just across the road in a 30 acre field with weeds above your head. as we were taking photos they had jumped up a couple does and one of there youngsters killed one of them. as the men all headed to where the youngster had the doe down they jumped this buck up, and he was headed directly towards me. everyone in my neighbors crew pulled up on him but couldn't shoot because they realized they were all pointing at each other and i couldn't shoot acrossed the road, so the buck ducked back into the weeds and disappeared. never to be seen again, that is until the last day of the season. [/list]
  • 2 weeks ago i got a call from my nieghbor and he said come over here i want you to help me do something. so i went over to his house and when i walked inside i couldn't believe what he had hanging on his wall. my first words were "oh my god that looks exactly like "BRUTUS", he said "it is "BRUTUS". he said that him and his family put together one last drive on the afternoon of the last day of muzzleloading as he was walking to his standing post "BRUTUS" jumped up and my neighbor shot. he said at the time he wasn't sure wether it was a buck or a doe and all he was looking for was a doe. as the deer run to the bottom of the haollar he could see then what he had shot at. he threw another ball at him and hit him again and "BRUTUS" tried to run back up hill and just dropped over. the only good knews to come out of this story is that he said on right after the second shot he noticed an identical twin to "BRUTUS" and about a 180 class 10 point about 30 yards away. i have never in my life hunted a buck so hard and put in so much time, but i am proud of my neighbor. i will post a "after taxidermy" picture as soon as i figure out my new scanner. the below picture is from september 23 2003. the bucks stats are: 30 3/4 inch inside spread, 7 1/4 bases, 12 points, 12 and 13 inch G2's and G3's and a score of 199 7/8 before deductions and 193 4/8 after deductions. what an amazing animal.
one more thing dress weight was 293 pounds, estmated to be 350-360 on the hoof, and estimated to be between 6-7 years old. who knows maybe i'll get his twin next year
He killed it during the normal ML season and you are just now hearing about 2 weeks ago after he gets it back from the taxidermist? Why didn't he let you see it while it was dressed out? Just sounds odd to me, someone around here kills a 190+, everyone sees it whether they want to or not....or at least hears about it.
Yeah, Im a little confused on that my self. How does a deer like that go unnoticed for so long. The guy must of shot it and shut up.
Thats the way I was reading it too. We all know hunters that have a pig just show up on their wall after the deep snow last winter and deer so bunched up .Sorry thats what is running in my mind too
Are you sure he didn't find the sheds and mount them and the "twin" is actually Brutus??

Sorry for the skepticism bro but like everyone else said...if a 190-200 incher goes down everyone knows about it no matter what.

I dont mean to sound stupid, but a 30" spread. In the picture, it looks no bigger than 20" inside...just how I can see it...I would love to see a picture after its mounted, and see how much different it looks...and how it gets ten more inches...anyone else agree it doesnt look like a 30 incher?
I agree, yes, but you've got to factor in the body size (
) and the quality of the picture. I prefer to believe Split, at least until he proves himself wrong.
I can see them not advertising it. You spread the news that your killing big deer and then everyone and their brother has to come and hunt that area. I say good job on tightly sealed lips.
here is the story on keeping this deer quiet. here in my neck of the woods southeastern ohio, there are more boone and crockett bucks taken in this area than the rest of the state, the top 3 counties in ohio are ross, vinton, and meigs which is where i am from, and more and more city people and non-res are learning this. now i am not against non-res at all as long as they are ethical and responsible, i welcome them. but as ya'll know when you come acrossed deer like this you and people in your hunting area become silent. there are only 5 people that had seen this deer up until the time it was killed. the 5 people who had seen it spoke not a word of it, the 5 people being me, my, brother-in-law, my father-in-law, my godson, and my neighbor. the only detailed rumor of the deer going around town after muzzleloading season ended was that there was a monster killed out in my area but there were no pics of it. my neighbor didn't even tell his family that a deer like this existed in the area same goes for me, i didn't tell ayone but my dad. my neighbor is an older man and the size of a deer doesn't excite him, in fact his family told me the day he shot it he never shook one time and offered the deer to them, but they made him keep it. and yes the deer was taken legally and tagged legally and all that crap. and no he is not going to enter it in boone and crockett or anything, because he is the type of guy who don't really care about all of that. most of the hunters in my area are older people that come from the old school when nobody cared about that monster that was killed, it was just food on the table. in fact bow hunters were few and far between here until abou 2 years ago, all people cared about was getting out with there guns so me and a few other young ones are like black sheep here. there is a lot of people in my neck of the woods that are like that. me of course i would enter it into club i could. my uncle is the same way he has a 10 point on the wall that scores 186 3/8 hanging on the wall and a local man gave a pic of it to an official buckmasters measurer and buckmasters called my uncle 6 times wanting to publish the deer and his story and he turned them down everytime and my dad was also the same way. anyways i could give you a long list of deer and deerhunters who have mosters hanging on the wall that have never been officially scored and enetred in any club. that is just not a big thing around here. but as far as the pic i posted goes, that is the best field pic i got, there may be a chance that the deer in this photo is not "BRUTUS" , i was more less assuming that it was him because at the time all i seen walking out was a pig of a deer with huge antlers and he didn't stick around long for anymore pics, as i look at it more now i noticed that this deer curls around a lot more then "BRUTUS" does. the antlers on "BRUTUS are straight out. the photo above is from a long distance(probably about 300 or 400 yards away) and i have a digital video camera that has a 400X zoom on it and when things are that far away it appears very blurry as you can see. the other 2 pics i have i know are of "BRUTUS" although you can't tell much by the pic because they were taken at dusk at about a range of 60 to 70 yards, and anyone with this type of camera knows that it is very light sensitive and in my pics the only thing that you can tell is that it is a huge deer with one hell of a set of antlers. i had my brother-in-law with me on that night and he was a witness to seeing such an animal. anyways as far as finding sheds and having them mounted that is not so. we have only one taxidermist in our area, well one good taxidermist i should say. he is swamped evrey year as you can imagine, and deer that are being killed in muzzleloading season are just now being returned, he does somewhere in between 400-500 mounts a year not including big game and fish etc.... last year i killed my biggest on the last day of shotgun season on dec. 8th and didn't get it back until june 3rd so therefore that should explain the long time before i found out. my neighbor and i have a great hunting respect and we share with each other what we have killed and what we have seen but he said he wanted to play with me a little bit on this one. i have the upmost respect for my neighbor and am excited as hell that he killed "BRUTUS". one mor thing i forgot to mention is that i have a trail cam pic of "BRUTUS", i know that probably sounds fishy too to some, but i just remembered i had it already in my photo gallery but didn't post it because it comes out blurry everytime in my scanner, i know for sure it's him, but i need some help clearing the pic up. when i scan the pic it puts whitelines down through it and makes it a little blurry. in the pic he is standing in the background about 30 feet from my camera and you can just barely make him and his antlers out. can i send the pic to someone to clear up for me or will i have to try to do it myself? i hope this clears everything up! if not let me know!
here is the trail cam photo, it was taken dec. 11th 2003, just a few days after shotgun season. he is the deer in the background. i need help straightening this thing up. if you look real close in this photo you can make out atleast one side of his rack. it's very wide. i will try to get taxidermy pics of this deer a.s.a.p.
SplitG3 your explanation sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I hope you understand our comments on the way the initial account sounded. Big deer do funny things to people. In the trail cam pic I can tell that is one heck of a deer. I would not think it to be the same animal in the first distant picture. If you know someone with photoshop or other picture software I'll bet you could enhance that to show a lot better. I look forward to seeing the mount pics, thanks for sharing the story of this great deer.
i completely understand the comments! i just hope that everyone can believe this deer is legit, and i don't want to be branded as a liar, or story teller on this site. but i swear on my life it is legit. the score came from a friend of mine who came and scored it and he is an official buckmasters scorer! the ol' man couldn't believe we were making such a fuss about a deer! he kept saying "for god sakes boys it's just a deer". i guess he just doesn't see the beauty of the animal!
I dont think anyone was questioning your character, i think everyone was more questioning the guy who shot it. I can understand not wanting to score it and not wanting all the attention. But if the guy was your neighbor and you guys were all hunting the same deer, seems to me he would of give ya call when he shot it. Even if it wasnt a big deal to him, he would have to know it was a big deal to you. I would at least want to know that the deer was dead instead of getting all pumped up about him for next year. Anyway, I seen the taxidermist photo and that is a heck of a deer, tell your friend congrats!
I have to second Scott....I did not think you were giving us a bogus story......just odd how you found out about the deer post kill. I would have expected a call for the neighbor personally
i see what ya'll are saying and i can see why you would think that. yeah, in the back of my mind i guess i kinda wonder about a phone call because he knows what these whitetails mean to me(ESPECIALLY THIS ONE) but knowing this guy and how he his i never really thought too much about it. it's really sad though because ever since i found out that "BRUTUS" had been killed all i have thought about is how he won't be there next year, it's actually kinda sad but then again i also think about his identical twin that is still out there!