Well-Known Member
A week ago I hurt my shoulder in a soccer game and was planning on hunting last weekend but I couldn't even start to get my bow drawn back with my shoulder. I was finally able to get it pulled back Thursday night so I got all my gear ready to hunt all day Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday morning rolled around and I met up with my dad and we headed south for the day. He gave me first selection on stand choice and I took the "top stand" where Dakota shot his a week ago. I was setup about 20 minutes before shooting light and had a 2.5 year old 8 point walk up the trail I came in on at 6:15am. It was a beautiful morning and I could hear turkeys all around. At 7am I looked east and saw a nice buck cruising parallel to the ridge I was on. He crossed up over the ridge and headed north away from me not paying attention to my grunts. I wasn't sure if he was a shooter or not because he didn't have a real big body so I was ok that he didn't come by within shooting distance.
At 7:20 I heard leaves crunching from the west and saw a lone doe heading towards me so I grabbed my bow in case. She was a mature doe but wasn't moving quickly. I ranged the opening she went through just in case something followed later. I hit the rangefinder button and it was 30 yards. As soon as I put the rangefinder down I heard a grunt from the direction she came and here comes a buck. I looked through my binoculars and saw it was the same buck that cruised by me at 7am. Crap. I was going back and forth in my head if he was a shooter or not as he was following the exact trail the doe was on. I hooked up my bow and looked back up and he was standing in the exact spot I ranged one minute earlier - that made my decision for me. Everything was perfect so I drew back and settled my pin and let the arrow fly. It hit true and he didn't make it 50 yards. I gave God thanks and texted my dad immediately.
As soon as I texted my dad I heard leaves crunching from the southeast... the exact same place the big 8 showed up after I shot my buck in 2011 on film. This was a big bodied 8 point buck didn't score more than 120. He followed the same trail my buck cruised on at 7am and ended up trying to fight my dead buck.
Dad ended up coming up to take some pictures and hunt the rest of the day in the top stand. I hung out with him for a few hours in the tree then got my buck out of there.
It was a very memorable day and the buck definitely grew when I walked up on him. Thank you dad for everything you have done for me. Not only for bringing me up in the outdoors but teaching me life lessons and showing me how to live a purposeful life. God is good!
Saturday morning rolled around and I met up with my dad and we headed south for the day. He gave me first selection on stand choice and I took the "top stand" where Dakota shot his a week ago. I was setup about 20 minutes before shooting light and had a 2.5 year old 8 point walk up the trail I came in on at 6:15am. It was a beautiful morning and I could hear turkeys all around. At 7am I looked east and saw a nice buck cruising parallel to the ridge I was on. He crossed up over the ridge and headed north away from me not paying attention to my grunts. I wasn't sure if he was a shooter or not because he didn't have a real big body so I was ok that he didn't come by within shooting distance.
At 7:20 I heard leaves crunching from the west and saw a lone doe heading towards me so I grabbed my bow in case. She was a mature doe but wasn't moving quickly. I ranged the opening she went through just in case something followed later. I hit the rangefinder button and it was 30 yards. As soon as I put the rangefinder down I heard a grunt from the direction she came and here comes a buck. I looked through my binoculars and saw it was the same buck that cruised by me at 7am. Crap. I was going back and forth in my head if he was a shooter or not as he was following the exact trail the doe was on. I hooked up my bow and looked back up and he was standing in the exact spot I ranged one minute earlier - that made my decision for me. Everything was perfect so I drew back and settled my pin and let the arrow fly. It hit true and he didn't make it 50 yards. I gave God thanks and texted my dad immediately.
As soon as I texted my dad I heard leaves crunching from the southeast... the exact same place the big 8 showed up after I shot my buck in 2011 on film. This was a big bodied 8 point buck didn't score more than 120. He followed the same trail my buck cruised on at 7am and ended up trying to fight my dead buck.
Dad ended up coming up to take some pictures and hunt the rest of the day in the top stand. I hung out with him for a few hours in the tree then got my buck out of there.

It was a very memorable day and the buck definitely grew when I walked up on him. Thank you dad for everything you have done for me. Not only for bringing me up in the outdoors but teaching me life lessons and showing me how to live a purposeful life. God is good!

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