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Buck In My Pond

JC Walker

New Member
I watched this buck chase a doe into my yard this moring. Next thing I know she gets into the water to get away from him. They swam laps for a good ten minutes or so before he decided to get out and just wait her out. At one point it looked like he was trying to mount her in the water and she was completely under water. I wish I would of grabbed the camera sooner to get a better pic.

The urge is strong...or maybe that should be the name above Bonker's new "throne". :D :D Neat pic!
ha.. that's pretty cool.. to bad he wasn't big enough.. you coulda just grabbed your bow and waited on the bank
It's amazing how well deer can swim, huh!? People never believe me when I tell them how I've seen them swim in big current between islands on the 'Sippi. Too cool!
So the lock ness sightings could actually be something like this. LOL! No deer in my pond please, the koi would not approve!
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