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Hey guys,

I may of possibly hit a buck tonight or missed incredibly. Okay, first it started when I decided to pack it in; It just started getting dusk and already had a couple of does puff me earlier. I decided to head back to the vehicle and started walking along the fence row; When I looked over and saw a pair of antlers moving through a thicket that ran along the fence. I honestly was just in total shock and waited till he came into a clearing. He continued on past the clearing and started walking up hill. I started to rattle alittle bit and that seemed to get his attention but he soon started moving up the alfalfa field. I soon roared and wheezed at him and he turned around and headed right towards me . He stopped about two or three yards from the fence and started making a scrape. By this time, the sun is started to dissappear and I pulled back but my release jammed. So, after a couple minutes of playing around with that, The buck just continued to stare and scrape.

Finally, I pulled back and fired.. As I shot, The buck jumped back sideways and trotted/wattled up the hill and stopped and started to blow softly a couple of times. He just stood their and walked off. Ended up either seeing two other bucks or one of them was him again coming back, walking past me in the dark (this was within 10 min after taking the shot). Now, Keep in mind there was a fence between us and he was about 4-6 yards away when I shot. So, was the buck just reacting to the sudden shot or did I hit him but it wasn't a kill shot?
Did you look for the arrow or any blood? Hair around where he was standing?

No, It was pretty much dark when I crossed the fence and started to look for florescent feathering. I plan on hunting tomorrow morning and then after, Look in the area where the arrow would of flown.

I may of completely missed or hit the fence and he just reacted. But, I never had a deer react that way if it was a miss. Normally, a deer would just stood their for a few moments, then either blow or just run off.
It doesn't sound like you hit him. Usually they don't blow at you after you hit them. They also usually don't stand up on the hill then come back. I would still look, however it sounds like you missed.
Its not very ethnical to go sit a stand when you may possibly have a deer hit/wounded/dead.What would you do if you sit stand in the morning and shoot a 190 buck then find out the other one is ALSO dead?
If you hit the fence I would think you would of heard it. When you say "blow softly"..did he blow like he would if he winded you or like you hit him and he was trying to get his air?
Its not very ethnical to go sit a stand when you may possibly have a deer hit/wounded/dead.What would you do if you sit stand in the morning and shoot a 190 buck then find out the other one is ALSO dead?

I would be just be doe hunting.

If you hit the fence I would think you would of heard it. When you say "blow softly"..did he blow like he would if he winded you or like you hit him and he was trying to get his air?

You know, that was the first thing that came to my mind, when I heard him blow. But, I didn't see any arrow sticking out and he was moving decently.. He probably just scented me or was startled. The wind was from the NW and he didn't scent me earlier coming from that direction. I was directly downwind of him.

I probably missed but his reaction is what still leaves me questioning. The arrow may have scaved to close for comfort I guess.
I am not Byron Ferguson but I think at 4-6 yards I would have a harder time missing a deer than hitting one.I would think you hit him.
I have shot two bucks that reacted in a similar way. One ran quickly for ten yards and then slowed down looked back and blew at me. I thought i missed but couldn'
find my arrow. I went back the next morning and found a blood trail and the buck went less than 100 yards. I shot another buck that ran off blowing and later found blood sprayed high up on trees. Makes me think he was blowing the blood out. He also died. You just never know how they will react. Ive seen several jump right away when shot and then just walk off normal.
I would go look for him the next afternoon giving him at least 20 hours in case it was a gut shot after looking for the arrow and determining what kind of blood trail if any that you have.
First things first... FIND THE ARROW!
If you find it and it's clean, you missed. If you find it and you've got blood on it, then you obviously hit him. If you can't find it at all, it may very well be that the deer ran off with it. That is where square one would be for me. Good luck!
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