Well-Known Member
So I have to admit I have had a great hunting season thus far and also have had the opprotunity of introducing a few new people to the sport that I enjoy so much and think that I have created a couple of Monsters (or at least that is what their wives tell me). Anyhow one of my buddies bought my PSE Firestorm last march when I started looking at new bows as he said that he wanted to experience whitetail hunting during the rut. I worked with him on getting it setup and then we were shooting several times a week once my new bow arrived. We began knocking on doors during the summer and were able to access some new ground (where we had seen a couple of good bucks in velvet) and started scouting and quickly found an area that was tore up with deer sign. New and old rubs, a few early scrapes and deer trails that looked like highways. We quickly found an area where it pinched down and got a stand set. I had only hunted the area 2 times, saw one pretty good buck and then stayed out of there for the most part as I had plenty of other land to hunt. Anyhow, on Nov. 14th Justin ended up taking his first buck with a bow, a really nice 8 pointer that was sporting some good mass. Buck snuck in on him and was 15 yds before he saw it (40mph winds didn't help that much). He ended up running the Rage 2 blade right through the shoulder and out the other side for a quick clean kill). Not sure who was more excited when he called me and said I just shot a good buck!!! I was pumped and told him to stick it out in the stand until dark and I would come help him track him, 50yds later dead deer!!!! For a first year bow hunter I must tip my hat as he stuck it out in the stand day in a day out, a few full day sits and began learning what the rut is all about Pretty sure he is hooked, Congrats bud.