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Bush Wins

One small step for Bush

One giant leap backwords for a great nation.

Let's talk deer.

Demonstration of intelligence is not a prerequisite in the U.S.A. to register to vote. I fear we just got what we deserve. Pharmer

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Gay marriage, higher taxes, expanded social entitlements, unlimited abortions, and holding meetings with the French to battle global terrorism...if this is your definition of intelligence, thank God for all the idiots.

Exactly why the Democrats can't win an election. Out of power and ideas. They believe the American people aren't smart enough to do the right thing so we need bigger government, more laws and entitlement programs because the Libs can do it better. How condesending, arrogant and void of what's really going on across America. The people got it right! The old playbook doesn't work anymore and Daschle forgot who his constituents were because he was all caught up in getting back the power that had been lost. Even the States got it right and put more Republicans in the Senate and House. Morals are still important in America. The far left wing had no new ideas. They thought they could defeat the President on a "hate Bush" platform, partial birth abortion and rolling back the tax cuts on the wealthy and nothing else. Could of had it if only the "seasoned and intelligent" 18 year olds would have come out and voted. What a way to take back the White House.
It is a sad day when I come on here and see a bunch of my "family members" fighting about this election. It's over, GW won air and square, it was the closest election in history, and yes we have GW for another four years. Some of us may not like that fact, but that is why we live in a free nation, have the priviledge to vote, and the freedom to do the things that we do. The only thing we can do is make the best of things and get back to the real reason OneCam created this site...that being the passion and love that we all share...The quest of the Whitetail!
Unless they're too scared to vote otherwise...referring to Camp Dubya's use of fear tactics and another War to win re-election. No wartime president has EVER lost re-election... seen the movie: "Wag the Dog"?
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