Calling in Coyotes-Looking for advice


I am trying to get more involved with calling in coyotes. I was given an automatic call last year for a Christmas gift and I have had it out a few times but have not had luck. I know I am hunting in areas with coyotes because I have heard them and seen them. I have had it out maybe a half dozen times and have not had luck (I know 6 or so times isn't that much and I need to be more patient). But, I would like to hit it harder over Christmas break in a few weeks if I can fill my late muzz tag.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks and good luck hunting!
Best advice is keep at it. It's not as easy as the tv shows make it look. Stick more with your communication calls this time of year (male/female howls, pups) mixed in with a little distress. First good snow start using more of the distress calls. Coyote will come in downwind of the caller most of the time so set up with that in mind. It's tough calling this time of year but it can be done. A lot of people will tell you to only sit for 10-15 minutes at each set. I strongly disagree with this. I've killed more coyotes 25-30 min in than any other time frame. Good luck and don't get discouraged. One of my top hunting memories was calling in my first coyote(after many attempts) and once you get the first one you will be hooked!
Start calling soft for several minutes. You will surprise yourself how many you will call in within the first 2 minutes. Coyotes can hear way better than us so you want to make sure you do not blow them out of the area. Get a sequence that sounds good and keep at it. I generally use baby cottontail on my Fox Pro. I killed a bunch over that call last year. Good luck!
Best advice is keep at it. It's not as easy as the tv shows make it look. Stick more with your communication calls this time of year (male/female howls, pups) mixed in with a little distress. First good snow start using more of the distress calls. Coyote will come in downwind of the caller most of the time so set up with that in mind. It's tough calling this time of year but it can be done. A lot of people will tell you to only sit for 10-15 minutes at each set. I strongly disagree with this. I've killed more coyotes 25-30 min in than any other time frame. Good luck and don't get discouraged. One of my top hunting memories was calling in my first coyote(after many attempts) and once you get the first one you will be hooked!

Last March I sat for 2 hours or more before calling in a coyote on one hunt. Came in just before dark and couldn't find it in the scope!

By the way, when you guys are moving sits, are you just moving around on the same piece, or going to a different piece of ground? i.e. for an afternoon of hunting, if you had a 100 piece, would you just move around on it, or would you do one sit on it and then move on to another property? Also, what time of day do you go most often?
yes sir, keep in mind I have spent a lot of my time calling in river bottom/crop land. sometimes I'll see them before we go in and go to the backside and call and kill. Sections with a lot of cover may get called from two sides, sound can carry a long ways and generally 1 or two spots can hit everything in the section that you one.
In my area most sections are small (80-200 acres) so I move sections after sets. Early morning and late afternoon are the best times IMO.
Been trying calling for 3 years, 8-10 a year, have yet to call one in or see one when out. Have primos power dog caller. Full winter camo everything I have read I'm doing. I'm in NE Iowa any help would be great, what is your go to sound this time of year?
I would use distress calls mixed in with coyote vocalizations. This time of the year I feel is the hardest to get one to play. Shotgun hunters walking through the woods blasting at the coyotes in my area have them on high alert. Make sure that you have a good entry plan when going to set up. I believe that's one of the most important things in being successful. Coyotes are smart critters, they get any sense that something is up....... they gone. Calling coyotes can be very frustrating or very rewarding when it all comes together. I assure you if you keep at it, it will happen. You just have to get through all of thoughts in your head that you did something wrong when nothing comes running into your calling. Mid January - mid February are my favorite times to call. A little snow on the ground and throw in a full moon- doesn't get much better. Keep at it, it will happen!
Bow hunted for years so scent control and wind I understand. I'm more wondering about my e-caller. It makes noise but but not sure if it sounds correct or not. Would like to get fox pro, looked at them at cabelas today one on sale for $139, but didn't leave with it.
Bow hunted for years so scent control and wind I understand. I'm more wondering about my e-caller. It makes noise but but not sure if it sounds correct or not. Would like to get fox pro, looked at them at cabelas today one on sale for $139, but didn't leave with it.

I don't know much about the power dog I use a fox pro. The model you saw at cabelas was pry the spitfire. I would spend the extra money and get the firestorm. We use the spitfire for calling coons and it works great but it doesn't have the volume for calling coyotes IMO.