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There are two brands of calls that I would recommend. Quaker Boy and Woodhaven.

Both are awesome. In my opinion the Quaker Boy box calls sound realistic, and they are what I used when I first started out turkey hunting....however....I don't even take them anymore, because all I use are the Woodhaven mouth calls.

They are awesome calls, and sound very realistic. Easier to use then a lot of the other brands to in my opinion, not sure why.

I would also recommend for you to buy the CD "Tree-top Turkeys." It is 100% wild turkeys yelping/cutting/gobbling/kee-keeing/putting/purring etc. in the wild, and is a great learning tool. I put it in when i'm driving somewhere and practice my mouth calls. Great way to get ready for the upcoming season!
I second what Nick said about Wendell's calls. I picked up my second Wendell Rye custom this weekend at the KBA banquet/auction. Thing sounds amazing! Too bad I will never take it in the woods. Just got it for the collection.



looks pretty sweet man. I just love talking to the guy he will get you set up right! especially when he picks up a call and belt out yelps over the phone!
Bonker, you gotta have a box call. I have a Cannon Country box call that is awesome. It is my go to call for running and gunning. It is a high pitched box that will just scream depending on the amount of pressure I use, a must for windy days or long distance locating. If I go easy on it it sounds ultra realistic, I can even purr on this one, which is the true measure of a quality box. I have struck and ended up killing many birds that wouldn't answer anything else. The key is tuning it properly. Most don't come out of the box tuned to their true potential. If you find one you like I could tune it up for you, no problem. PM me if you would like. As for my other battery of calls there are as follows: a good split v two or three reed mouth call (I have had good luck with Cody's and Preston Pittmans), Primos Freak Crystal with one of the fat green HS acrylic strikers ( Another call I use every set up), a K&H lonesome hen push button (I got lucky on this one, It sounds pure turkey, many others I have seen do not sound near as good), Primos triple shock (I do Pileated Woodpecker chatter on it and have had great success), A K&H crow call, a K&H reed style barred owl, and a Ben Lee snuff can call for gobbling on. I will use the box to strike em up, and use a combination of the freak, lonesome hen, and mouth calls to finish em. Half the fun of turkey hunting is learning and becoming skilled at a variety of calls. Good luck to you.
No matter what you get Bonker you'll proabably suck at using it- at first. But it just takes time and practice, in some instances alot of practice, so don't get discouraged. It took me a good month and a half to get the mouth call down. If that's the way you are going to go then plan on p!ssin' off the ol' lady quite a bit. I use Woodhaven mouth calls, they are very good IMO. I also have a Lynch's Foolproof box call that is very "turkey sounding" and fairly simple to get the hang of. If neither of those are right for you then try walking out into the woods and yelling,


It worked a couple times for me.
Just my $.02

Buy an array of diaphram calls now and find the one that fits you best. I think Quaker Boy diaphrams are best, followed closely by Primos. Anyhow, turn on the Outdoor Channel and start calling against the turkey hunting shows on TV. I taught myself how to call with a diaphram call during the winter of 2000 using this method.

I also carry a single Primos slate call with a hickory striker. When I need extra volume it always works.

Anymore I try to do enough preseason scouting so that calls and decoys are just extra crap to carry around. The past few seasons I've had pretty good luck with a morning ambush between fly down and strutting zones. Last season I called 1 time the morning I shot my bird. I haven't carried a decoy into the field in two years...and I love it!

Good luck with your calls. It's a great tool to have in your bag of tricks. Practice makes perfect.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: pharmer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think DOR can give you advice on fitting a diaphram </div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: pharmer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think DOR can give you advice on fitting a diaphram </div></div>

Better that then say fitting a ....oh nevermind! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Fishbonker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Doncha hate when your tongue hits the diaphram?

The 'Bonker</div></div>

wow... Wow I wish I could express my tone of voice through the net.. BONKER&gt;&gt; WOW
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