Camera History


How does everyone keep track of their camera locations and the info they provide???? I'm currently running 10 cam's, I know the exact location of 7, 1 I have a good idea, 1 I think I know, and 1 I'm clueless. Now cams that were in locations that allowed for frequent monitoring were easy to keep track of, however I usually have 3-4 cams in locations that receive LITTLE TO NO hunting pressure (I might only pull cards/camera once per year). I thought of keeping a record on a aerial photo with dates and general movement patterns. As I increase the number cameras and property I’m monitoring this problem will only get worse. What solutions are out there???
I think moultrie and a few other companies have software that u can use with an ariel map and mark where your cameras are and also break down what pics were from which spot. some go as far as letting you know which deer have been on what camera.
Whitetail Freaks has an app for that. I think it's 4.99 in the app store. I don't know much about it though.
When trying to pattern a certain deer I will use scribblemaps to create a map of times and locations of sightings. Otherwise I categorize all my pics into different folders on my computer based on location and rename the files with date and time info. I also keep copies of all deer of interest to me in a separate folder as well.
If I'm putting them someplace new I'll write them down so I don't have to worry. I've been running 6 cameras but I could understand having troubles if you run closer to 10+. Also depends if you're constantly moving them from farm to farm, guys that leave them in the same spot all year shouldn't have any troubles
22 cams wow i thought running 15 was tough you need to buy stock in batteries and sd cards

Most are bushnels and they are great on batteries, The 2 m80's I picked up are a let down. 1 cam had a 3 week deploy, 1562 pics and dead batteries. Nice pics but slow and now poor battery performance.
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