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can 40 lbs kill a deer

killer buck

My cousin is 14 and has a youth browing bow and the highest it can go is 40lbs. I was wondering if you could kill a deer with your bow set at 40 pounds with eastman arrows and g5 broadheads? If you can kill a deer would it single lung double lung or pass threw the deer?
40 lbs is plenty but I'd recommend a two blade cut on contact head for that weight. They simply take less "horsepower" to get inside the boiler room. I've blown clear through deer with a 42 lb. recurve.
Shovelbuck said it well! My son killed a buck with a 45# bow & a bear razor head on a cedar shaft when he was 15. Hope your cousin's season goes well.
I shot my first deer at the ripe old age of 9, it was a 45# XI Silverhawk pushing a fat 1916 tipped with a 4 bladed Bear Brute that did the job. Today's bows at 40 should be more than sufficient.
I would suggest trying to keep his distances to close and extra close. The closer the better energy its going to have, just incase he hits a rib on the way in.

My 12 year old was pulling about 36 pounds last year. He was shooting 100 grain Slick Tricks and his arrow passed through the deer and stuck in the dirt on the other side of the deer.

I too, would recommend close range shooting to the youth.
Yes, I have been told that 40 lbs will def. kill a deer.

Anyone have a youth bow for sale? I have a girlfriend that can only pull right at 40... 26-27 in. draw. Sorry to hijack the thread Killer Buck.
40# is enough. As Shovel menioned, take a page from the trad playbook and try either a 2 blade or if you're dead set on a 3 blade, a Wensel Woodsman due to their low blade angle that allow cut on contact and less blade drag. Getting them close is not only wise for an ethical kill at that poundage but also good experience for a young hunter.
My first bow was a Hoyt Raider pulling about 40 lbs. She was a killa'!!! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Native Americans used bows that were about that weight.And very successful I might add. Shot placement is the key. Close range is a good decision. Might not get a complets pass through. Again arrow placement is the ticket.
my brow shot his first deer with a little over 40 pounds with me in the tree with him! did the trick!!

I on the other hand started out with a 60 pound PSE carrol Marauder turned back to about 54... I was also a 200 pound 10 year old haha
right after i started bow hunting i had surgery on my right bicep my first bow kill 2 months later was with a pse patriot pro set at 40 lbs i was shooting gamegetter 2s with 125 grain thunder heads, shot was taken at 18 yrds with complete pass throu perfect shot through the boilermaker traved approx 30 yrds have killed 3 deer with that set up but its been many yrs ago
40Lbs is plenty enough poundage. Like I told my 11 year old when he shot this buck though, it had to be broadside or quartering away. The G5's are a good cut on impact choice as well. Most bows will go a few pounds over what is written on the limb as well. If it says 40Lbs it will probably go to at least 45Lbs cranked down all the way. The hole you see in the deer below is the exit wound, the arrow didn't pass thru, but the head stuck out the other side.

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