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Can Obama really do this?


On a seperate note, Paul Ryan's speech was a grand slam last night, if you didn't see, watch it, amazing, he will be president some day!!
Just a FYI.........I haven't even opened up the article but trusting snoops is like trusting a used car salesman in a plaid suit.
Grand Slam? When even FOX calls it a pack of lies, you know it must be bad.


FYI, that author is a pure liberal looking to disqualify anything that R&R says, even if she has to use a "Pack of lies" of her own to justify herself. She is a Fox News contributor to PROVE Fox IS fair and balanced. If you were to watch and read the REST of the reviews of Ryan's speech you'll find a totally different perspective.

Agreed, Ryan knocked the ball out of the park with that one!
Oh, and NOBama will not revoke recreational fishing rights, this article was around a year or so ago too and had the same results... People freaked out. What this is talking about is a select area of the Gulf during or following the oil spill, if I recall correctly. Not Rec. fishing across the US. While I don't agree with any of his justifications, I believe this was shot down completely.
Obama will not only take away guppy fishing, he will steal your first born child, and all your pride in being american.
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