Except the ones that have already used 8 shop capes with over 22" necks this year for lost capes on the original deer:way: Nice mature buck capes are hard to come by. Key word, nice. And a nice one is worth a lot of $. I'm not remounting a buck with a crap cape some other taxi has had in his freezer for the last 3 years. Most people will mount their mature bucks or throw away the cape without even thiking about it.
What do you pay for capes if a hunter doesn't want his?I am the taxi who has used all my good shop capes. And I do charge 500!
If your taxi does that! Time for a different one !! Reason some charge $500.00 for a mount as opposed to $250.00!! :way:
What do you pay for capes if a hunter doesn't want his?