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Carrying scents safely into woods?


PMA Member
Its getting to be that time of year, when the estrous scents are busted out and drug all around the timbers of iowa..

I hear stories about people being stalked/ran down by deer following scents lines and what not, and I am curious if this has happened to anyone here?

Also, are you using ziploc bags and rubber gloves when messing with the stuff?
I am just trying to see how paranoid I should be about the matter lol.
One of my buddies really believes in the Mrs. Doe Pees stuff. He takes the 'round' facial cotton deals that the women use to take/put on make up with. He cuts a hole in the middle of them to hang on a branch, wets only have of the circle so he can grab the other half (with gloves on) without touching the urine. Not sure if uses a drag sometimes or not. He did say to really think through where you hang the scent though....you want to have a shot at the deer when it smells it.
Thanks, that is a good idea with the cotton balls. I should have stated that the urines are a private label, which I haven't recieved yet, but are from a guy I know that runs a deer farm. He guarantees they will be at my house within 48hrs of collection. So I know if any of the stuff is going to work well, this would be a good bet.
I had a buck follow my trail in the morning once. Talk about crap yourself. Heard something, turned around with a flashlight and there was a buck 20yds behind me. I yelled like a little school girl and waved my arms around. Laughed after, but I really don't drag anymore in the mornings. When I can see them,,,it is a different story.
I've never come close to getting reamed but I do carry the lures in a zip-loc bag in the outside pocket of my pack. Seriously, though, It's more an issue of not getting the smell on stuff inside my pack... like a facemask for example.
Where can a guy get one of those bad boys, and who makes them?

Hunter's Specialties
You can get em @ any hunting store......all though I didn't see any at Scheels in DSM last weekend.
I know BP has em for sure.
I had a buck follow my trail in the morning once. Talk about crap yourself. Heard something, turned around with a flashlight and there was a buck 20yds behind me. I yelled like a little school girl and waved my arms around. Laughed after, but I really don't drag anymore in the mornings. When I can see them,,,it is a different story.

Thats what I am talking about! The gentleman that I am getting the lures from said he had a mature deer tree him one morning and snort weeze at him at the base of his tree! It got me thinking, I dont really feel like being chased. I am going to give that hs drag a shot. along with being cautious about getting it anywhere on me or my gear.
Many years ago, probably at least 30, I remember an experience well. I had sprayed fox urine on my boots and then I walked through the freshly falling snow to my ground blind made of a pile of limbs and branches. I just got sat down on a bucket and knocked and arrow when a mature buck came dogging me with his nose to the ground. He got to the spot where I turned off the main trail to go to my stand and he stopped and watched me draw and shoot him. I went back and followed his tracks to learn that he had hit my trail about 150 yards back and followed it all the way to me. That was with fresh fox urine just sprayed on rubber boots.
Many years ago,probably at least 30,I heard a story of a lady in Iowa that shot a 170'' buck.She had to go to the bathroom,got down out of her stand,walked into the cornfield a few rows,did her job.The story has it that she ummm was in (her time of the month).Right after finishing her job she got back in her stand and low and behold this buck came following her trial out of the corn right to her tree.
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