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Cart VS sled


Well-Known Member
This topic has been discussed before but I was looking for a little more imput.

I am considering buying a deer cart or an icefishing sled to haul deer out. I would think that the pros of the cart would be; easier to pull and the negatives would be; would it work in a foot+ of snow. The sled you could use with or without snow and I would think it be easier to go over small branches, limbs etc. I would guess this would be harder pulling.

Has anyone tried both? Any opinions on either?
I have used the cart a couple of times and find that they work great, cept that they like to roll back down the hill when one stops to catch his breath.
Have not used a ice fishing sled besides on the ice but from the experience of dragging a big sled full of guns, decoys, and a thousand other contraptions across the islands for duck hunting and can attest to the fact that a couple hundred lbs in a sled does not move well....

go with the cart...my .02$ worth...
Definitely go with a cart, a sled won't work without snow worth a darn. what I did was buy a cart and then I found a deer sled for only 40 bucks at sportsmans warehouse that is snow camo that works like a champ, so that way I had both. You need to make sure to buy a good cart though, I have seen some crappy ones in action and it would be easier to drag one out by hand than with the cart. You want one that sits low to ground and has a wide wheel base, if you get that you will be able to drag a buck out of anything with one guy.
FYI the cheap gorrilla ones that ride high and have a short wheel base are worthless.
There is a reason the indians didn't use wheels. Wheels sink in the soft earth. Having said that, they used horses and dogs to pull their travios (sleds). I have used a sled and it worked well. I haven't used a cart so I can't compare the two. I did wax the bottom of the sled though.

The 'Bonker
I have the Cabela's folding cart, and I love it. I used it twice this year. Once across a muddy/snowy beanfield. That one was easy. Recently, we hauled a deer out of a creek bottom. Ended up tying a couple of deer drags onto the handle to get a bit more pull. It was really tough even with the cart, but I couldn't imagine what we would have done without it. The larger wheels are definitely a must.
I bought a cart a couple year's ago and got a call from M350 for help as usual. It worked awesome coming out of a draw in a woods. Only stopped once going up the hill to the truck, got caught on a sapling.

Picked up a Cabelas dogsled sled at a farm auction last summer. The sides and back all fold down so I'm thinking it's gonna work very well also for hauling critters. It has a hitch so I made a drawbar pin for it and pull it with my Rancher.

I know several guys that haul their ladder stands and equipment in on them when they start gearing up for the season. There's always stuff that needs to be toted around the yard or farm also.

The ultimate is still a Farmall Super C with a fasthitch carrier or tractor with a loader.

I love my sled, and my 4-wheeler.

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That's cheatin Skully!

I can't comment on anything with wheels because I've never used one.

I can however say with certainty that the sled we use is the best thing since peanut butter!

That things slides over anything, doesn't sink in mud or tangle in brush.

I can pull a deer out one handed (ok...two hands up hill

Throw the whole thing, deer and all in the back of the truck and you have no mess (blood etc.)

If you have a sled that pulls hard...then it's different then mine

I wouldn't trade mine for love nor money

I took this pic just a purpose to show how easily it slides over brush and logs.


You can buy one of these and a wholeeee lot of
for the price of a cart.

Jet Sled

and for Skully:

ATV Hitch
Loren, If I had your money I would also have all of the toys you have.

You never know where you will harvest your deer or where they will run but I had all 3 of my deer this year run down the same hill. No vehicle access and the woods has alot of under growth and down trees.

Thanks everyone for the imput and dbltree for the pic.
I hunt up by you and I know exactly what you are saying. I was also wondering what would be easier for up there.
The only good thing I have is that I can drag them down the hill to the road.
That in itself is a chore in the thick underbrush.
That is why I only shoot at them when I know they will run uphill. I wish.
In the Waukon area? Just roll them over the cliff!

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Yea, I've accidently tenderized a few that way.
you know what they say, never walk uphill and take it easy if your walking downhill, that being said, Im with the 4 wheeler crowd.
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