Cat In My House

Awesome mount and the taxi work is amazing! What does that mount with the platform weigh? Assuming it took some pretty decent screws to hang it.

Thanks guys. I didnt weigh it but it felt like 75 pounds maybe? Two guys lifted it to my brother-in-law and I who were on scaffolding. Only had one attachment on the back which made it easier to hang. Placed a large lag bolt in a stud and done :way:
That is absolutely beautiful! I would love to have one of those on my wall some day. If I ever do harvest one I will be contacting you for the phone number for that taxidermist!:way:
That mount is awesome! I have not seen many cat mounts that looked great, but that one looks ready to jump off the wall! I used to have an old, fat, pet cougar, and that one looks at least as big.
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Eyad, that mount looks amazing. So lifelike it's unbelievable. Congrats on a trophy of a lifetime for most, and enjoy many years of looking at that mount and remembering the experience!