I'm starting to find myself getting upset with the people that are unable to see that we are destroying the sport we love. We can no longer think it's cool or be proud of ourselves for saying "I shot a big doe"! I know I cant make a blanket statement because I know there are areas that still hold plenty of deer but for me (and I know there are more and more of us that are seeing this) I hunted the bow season this year for the 30th year. I saw about the same amount of does this year as I use to see in a week, about 6-10 .....that's all fall! Then I hear Joe blow down the road say "Yeah ....I saw a doe and a couple of young ones and I killed the BIG doe"! Why?????Given the choice I kill a young one! There is much less damage done to the overall population by shooting a young one! I believe that by killing a mature doe you have potentially killed 5 deer! Her two young ones are young a dumb ....able to survive but just not smart enough a lot of times. And then the two she would have had next spring .....that's 5 or at least 3 that wont be in your woods next year! You shoot a young one you have only one deer gone and a little less meat in the freezer!
We wouldn't be proud of ourselves to shoot hen pheasants or go fishing and take walleye that are not legal. It's the same thing folks. There was a time when the population has high it was a great idea to shoot all the does we wanted .......those days are gone in a lot of places! The game that we put the greatest value on we try protect the breeders ...pheasants and walleyes for instance! Let be honest..... the only differents between them (deer) and pheasants or walleyes are the peasants and walleyes don't wreck cars. So until be see no more deer car collisions I don't see the doe tags going away. Look to see the population to continue to drop. Look to see people giving up the sport because its just not fun any more. We as group have to get smarter and realize just because we can have a pocket full of doe tags doesn't mean we should kill all of the does. Leave the does for the kids, the beginners, the old or the hungry. Lets "change the way we think" and protect our future because to be honest if we the hunters don't I'm not sure anyone else will!
We wouldn't be proud of ourselves to shoot hen pheasants or go fishing and take walleye that are not legal. It's the same thing folks. There was a time when the population has high it was a great idea to shoot all the does we wanted .......those days are gone in a lot of places! The game that we put the greatest value on we try protect the breeders ...pheasants and walleyes for instance! Let be honest..... the only differents between them (deer) and pheasants or walleyes are the peasants and walleyes don't wreck cars. So until be see no more deer car collisions I don't see the doe tags going away. Look to see the population to continue to drop. Look to see people giving up the sport because its just not fun any more. We as group have to get smarter and realize just because we can have a pocket full of doe tags doesn't mean we should kill all of the does. Leave the does for the kids, the beginners, the old or the hungry. Lets "change the way we think" and protect our future because to be honest if we the hunters don't I'm not sure anyone else will!