Well, it always comes back to ethics and smart hunting. In the group I have gone with, all old high school and college friends. It's more about the experience and seeing the guys than it is about the deer. To be honest, I would be happy if we didn't even go hunting. Everyone that goes now though is a diehard bowhunter. With our group, if you shoot it you tag it. No sharing tags. Also, I know the vast majority of us haven't even got a doe tag. Many will eat their tag if they don't get a chance at a good buck. Others might shoot a last day doe and use their state-wide any sex tag. My group is smart, we know the terrain and where everyone should be. We will breakdown the properties on Friday evening and get the game plan laid out for each property.
Also, back to deer drives with bows. You truly understand how hard and terrible of an idea that might be right? Think how many wounded deer already get hurt during bowseason. One thing I would like to see though is to allow us to bowhunt through shotgun season. I get it from a safety standpoint it is a smart idea, but still.