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Chasing Flatheads

I was just wanting to see what techniques all you guys use for catching Mr. Whiskers.

I have been running lines since I was 10 or so with my dad, so that has become our summer tradition. We usually start in late May or early June and stop in mid to late September.

Post pics if you want, I will try to get some pics up here in the next few days, I havent posted any pics on here yet so bear with me, plus I have to scan them in and try to figure it out. Thanks for the input and happy fishing!!
this could be interesting!!!

if anyone has flathead pix, i expect to see them!!!!

heres one I got out of the mississippi near Hastings, MN. I was fishing but there was electricity involved.
i love cat tracking, i usally go before spawn , hard, if the river is down, this is best. i use chubs, 8'' or so, or 3 inch gills, 6- 8 inch bull heads9 cut the barbs off, i use 6 to 8 ft willows or 6 ft 1/2 inch pcv pipe with a hole drilled thru the end for my 80 lb nylon line. 5 ott hooks , touched up on the grinder, & i use a BIG SWIVEL about 6 inches from the tip of my pole, to keep the line from knotting up.use the fishermans knot that tightens when pulled on , no square ones, they break under big fish. some guys have also attached old door springs to the diddys to give them more bounce, i never have as i make sure my willows are long enough, with enough spring. i place mine on high banks , but perfer cut aways , and dead pools of water, even nicer if this scenerio is below a log jam. i place the hooks behind their dorsal, making sure not to go to deep wich will kill the bait fish. when setting the line, i want my bait fish ONLY a couple of inches under the water so they splash alittle bit when they swim, it attracts those big flats when they are cruising. usally i leave my sets out 3 days as those big ones dont always feed daily, somtimes only afew days a week so dont give up on a set, a deep hole is what i like and usally have good luck if i keep my bait fresh. crawdads are good if you can find them , i prefer saining my bait, not buying.check lines every other hour if you can and always before first light, if i have a fish on, i go up river & drift to it with my motor off not to spook them as they will spin and spit the hook if alerted or alarmed.happy cat trackin.

This one was released after it was weighed and photos taken. It was 54" long 67# from the Missouri river. It was taken on a limb line with a 6" bullhead. My best fish prior to this one was 45# with many in the range of 20-35#. When I have time I go after them with a rod and reel, but I mostly set lines when the river is stable and the barometer is falling. I use sunfish and bullheads on a rod and strictly bullheads for the set line, due to the fact they stay alive so much better. If at all possible I will tie off to the willows or small trees with green cord. We have too many people that like to check your lines for you, so you need to hide them the best you can.

I love the river fishing. There are some nice cats and flatheads in a number of rivers around here. Thanks for sharing your photo’s and fishing adventures with us. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif


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where ya been man, nice pics, well have to hook up this summer when you go. i think your usally farther down river than me , but i know were uaslly out when its on the rise. If you can stand putting this crap on a hook, Bill in Polk City has this nasty dead chad in a jar, great for rod & reeling NOW in shallow water. Im telling ya , wear gloves, this stuff will make you bring back crap you never stole!! but it works, ask your uncle tommy about it , i was on the coon with him one year & him and Jake threw it out of the boat, it stunk that bad.Happy cat trackin!!
Happinesss is alarge rack
I know exactly what you are talking about. That stuff is NASTY! If you leave it sitting in the sun for about a week, it works even better! Dad about pukes everytime I open the jar. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
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