Chasing - warm weather


PMA Member
Warm weather or not, I am seeing one or more bucks out on the prowl every day going to and from work. I saw a real nice buck this morning dogging a doe out in a cut bean field on public land no less. He was only 100 yards from the well traveled highway. I would roughly guess he would go around 140.

Saw another nice one last night at a different spot, he had a big body but it was getting a little dark to count his points although you could tell he had some decent "stuff" up top. He was trotting along the downwind side of a CRP field that has some pretty thick draws with low growing cedars, etc, that the does like to bed in. I think I know what he was up to...

Even though the warm weather combined with the full or nearly full moon may suppress the daytime movement, it does not eliminate it. Go get 'em, the colder it gets in the next few days, the more they'll be going, but even if it stays warm, there will still be some good activity.
Supposed to cool down Thursday, but warm back up this weekend. Hope the weatherman is wrong and it gets coooold!!! Hunted both mornings this past weekend, saw 2 does, 1 each morning. Saw lots of turkeys in flocks of 30 or more, though!!! Anyway, I think this is the weekend!!!