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chat session??

hey liv4rut?. i'm a new member and love the sight how do i post pictures and how can i start a new topic. the reson i want to start a new topic is because i need to thank each and every person on this sight for helping me through this very tough period in my life.
hey splitg3,all you have to do is go into the forum you want, lets say iowawhitetail conference, there will be a thing at the top that says post, just click on that and you will get what you see when you reply to a topic, just put in your subject and type up everything you want. to post a pic is a little trickier, you have upload your photo into the photo gallery wherever you see appropriate. just go to the upload photo link and you should be able to get loaded, if it is under 100kb, file size if not, you will have to resize it to be smaller. once you get that, right click on your picture and it will have something that says http:// something, everything after the // highlight, and control c to copy, then go to post and write everything you want. click on image to the right and a little box will show up, behind the// do control v and it will paste the link to the picture, then press continue, it should preview your post, then continue and you should be set, if you have problems with the picture, if you tell me where the pic is, in the gallery i can post the pic under your name, welcome to the site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey thanks liv4rut you have been a big help. you might want to check and see if my topic went through. it's called thanx to all of you.
i got a little while before i begin painting the second coat in my bathroom, stop in and say hi.
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