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Chewy moral mushrooms


New Member
Hey guys! I found these moral mushrooms. The ones that look like a brain on a stick & are hollow inside. But these dint have a stick & were just laying around the bottom of the trees. They were evrywhere. I cleand them & used fish batter & fryed them. They were terrable! I coun't eat one! Am I frying them wrong or do they need to soak for a while? :confused:

That has to be a joke, you do have to be joking you didn't eat acorn tops BUT with the whole internet sarcasm & humor, who knows, maybe you did really have a tasty chewy meal?!?
Those would be the Quercus Macrocarpa Morchella variety... They're delicious! I heard if you soak them in urine, it breaks them down and makes them a little chewier and sanitizes them.. Wouldn't want to be eating non - sanitized shrooms that grew out of a pile of deer turds, ya know.
They're delicious! I heard if you soak them in urine, it breaks them down and makes them a little easier to chew
It's works! You only have to soak them for a couple hours though. And dog urine works best. To be honest, it was easier to find these mushrooms than to get my dog to go in a bucket! :(
Any way, I found it best to soak for 2 hours, use egg wash and then coat them with shake-n-bake and let air dry (usually overnight). Bag them up and share with your favorite vegetarian!
I just think you need more ketchup. Ketchup makes everything better, except, of course, tapifreakinoka. Nuthin makes that maggot gagging stuff better. I can't decide if tapifreakinoka is a liberal or conservative plot to destroy our society. I get nauseated even thinking about tapifreakinoka. To quote the world famous Mr. Creosote: "Bring me a bucket, I need to throw up."

On a side note, I havta wonder how "rough" they were the next morning.
I never got too eat em. I put one in my mouth and chewd and chewd. It was relly hard and wus bitter like tree bark. I dint swallow it. I started to gag alittle and spit it out. If this is not a moral than what did I trie to eat? :confused:

O!!! and we have not seen any MT lion cubs on the trail cam this year yet. I hope they are gone and stay away.
I never got too eat em. I put one in my mouth and chewd and chewd. It was relly hard and wus bitter like tree bark. I dint swallow it. I started to gag alittle and spit it out. If this is not a moral than what did I trie to eat? :confused:

You ate acorn shells Haha lol shake my head, go look up what moral mushrooms look like lol
Want some good little wild grapes that taste....uhh great try these little poisonous uncooked devils

Dumba**...those are wild blueberries. They make great pies, your gonna make someone sick tell 'em they're grapes. What if they tried to make jam with those?
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