Well I thought I'd go out and check a stand I haven't hunted yet this year and found something very strange. 28 dead whole feathered chicken about 10yards from my stand. I work part time for the land owner and let him know. He came unglued called the sheriff to let him know and see if there had been any reported stolen chickens. He came out because someone had also shot out some windows on his property.
When the sheriff showed up he was very confused why someone would make such an effort to throw them where they did and I am too. He asked if I had made anybody mad. I haven't done anything that I know of to anyone. There is only one person that I can even think of and I wouldn't think he would take a chance like that.
Funny thing is hardly anybody knows where my stand is and I'm the only one who has ever had permission to hunt the grounds for the past 18 years. As far as I know nobody has even ever asked.
I'm glad I found them before they started rotting.
Why Chickens? Lmao!! If it is the one guy I'm thinking of he probably watches this site and I don't hunt near any of his fence lines but it is possible that I could shoot one of
HIS deer. I'm almost certain that he would no be that insane.
Well if I end up being part of a satanic ritual it was nice knowing you all. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif
When the sheriff showed up he was very confused why someone would make such an effort to throw them where they did and I am too. He asked if I had made anybody mad. I haven't done anything that I know of to anyone. There is only one person that I can even think of and I wouldn't think he would take a chance like that.
Funny thing is hardly anybody knows where my stand is and I'm the only one who has ever had permission to hunt the grounds for the past 18 years. As far as I know nobody has even ever asked.
I'm glad I found them before they started rotting.
Why Chickens? Lmao!! If it is the one guy I'm thinking of he probably watches this site and I don't hunt near any of his fence lines but it is possible that I could shoot one of
HIS deer. I'm almost certain that he would no be that insane.
Well if I end up being part of a satanic ritual it was nice knowing you all. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif