PMA Member
OK...enough is enough. Let's try to cool things off with photos of "cooler" times. I'll lead it off with a couple.
My wife, son and I in the middle of Spirit Lake for a good ice fishing perch bite.
(Footnote...he's now taller than his mom and sneaking up on me.)
A late muzzleloader buck my son watched me shoot several years back. Major sub zero temps and snow so deep it took considerable effort to get this guy into the back of the truck :way:
OK, your turn...let's think cooler thoughts by looking at pics from times when we nearly froze our ar$$es off
My wife, son and I in the middle of Spirit Lake for a good ice fishing perch bite.
(Footnote...he's now taller than his mom and sneaking up on me.)
A late muzzleloader buck my son watched me shoot several years back. Major sub zero temps and snow so deep it took considerable effort to get this guy into the back of the truck :way:
OK, your turn...let's think cooler thoughts by looking at pics from times when we nearly froze our ar$$es off