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Chill Out !!


PMA Member
OK...enough is enough. Let's try to cool things off with photos of "cooler" times. I'll lead it off with a couple.

My wife, son and I in the middle of Spirit Lake for a good ice fishing perch bite.
(Footnote...he's now taller than his mom and sneaking up on me.)


A late muzzleloader buck my son watched me shoot several years back. Major sub zero temps and snow so deep it took considerable effort to get this guy into the back of the truck :way:


OK, your turn...let's think cooler thoughts by looking at pics from times when we nearly froze our ar$$es off :D

If this winter is like last,,we may have to bring those back out to remind us of winter. Last winter my wife and I rode our bikes,,Dec,JAN, and FEB!
Saw on the news today that Alaska is having a record COLD July. Sooner or later that cold air pool will get here. Early frost anyone?
Love to see those ringtail perch!!!! Reminds me of my childhood up in N.E. Iowa/S.W Wis! Where the water is alot cleaner than here!!!!!! :way: Thank's for the memories!!!! And the cold is good too!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Here are a few pics from the years in Arizona where, yes, we do get snow.

Living in Tucson and drove down to the mountains on Ft. Huachuca winter 2007:

Winter of 2009, where we had over 6 feet of snow that whole winter:


And this was just this past March 18, when we got back from a soccer tournament in Phoenix. Over 12 inches that day:
AZ, those pics remind me of a number of years ago when we visited family in Scottsdale over Christmas. It was a particularly mild winter back home here and we had no snow when we got on the plane to leave. While there we finally did see snow on a sight seeing trip up north out of the valley into the Sedona area. We joked about having to leave Iowa and go to Arizona in order to see snow at Christmas :D

Cool post :grin:

Here is my 2010 Late Muzz buck, it was -23 in this pic, and the snow was crazy.... had to hike over a mile through two feet of snow (thank God for Josh's snow shoes) and epic cold... I'd take that kind cold right now...

It was even colder a few nights later, you can see the frost on my hat. I would guess it was my breath freezing, but it was stupid cold that night too... ug
We joked about having to leave Iowa and go to Arizona in order to see snow at Christmas :D

I know the feeling. EVERY single time we have gone back to Iowa to spend Christmas with my family, there was NO snow! Had to come back to Arizona to see the white stuff! My wife thinks I'm making up stories of sledding down hills when I was a kid! :rolleyes:
Ya'll are crazy! Except for killing yotes, I can't think of one reason to like winter.........................
It was even colder a few nights later, you can see the frost on my hat. I would guess it was my breath freezing, but it was stupid cold that night too... ug

I want to jump right in the middle of this picture with shorts, t-shirt and no shoes :drink2:

Not deer but there's ice and snow!


Cuttin a hole for dekes with a chainsaw at the Pass disabled blind, was bout like rollin in it :way:
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