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chlorophyll tablets


PMA Member
Does anybody use these or had information good or bad?

I have seen them advertised as Chloroflage tablets also.
I take them

I've taken them the last two years and I think they really help reduce mouth/breath odor. I just know about 10 days after I stop taking the tablets I notice my morning breath gets stronger. Between the tablets, brushing before each hunt, and chewing gum my breath is about as close to scent free as I can get it.

I don't think they will allow you to ignore the wind and just hunt though. :grin:
It's supposedly a proven concept that has been used initially to help people with out-of-control B.O. due to chemical imbalances or whatever medical issues cause such things. Someone found a way to market it to hunters. Apparently it worked for our noses. i don't see why it wouldn't work for deer noses. I usually start wearing the Hunter's Bodyguard deodorant and the Scent Shield body was instead of my normal Right Guard and Axe body wash. If you're wearing pretty smelling stuff right up to the hunt and then shower with the de-scenting wash the day of the hunt then you've lost half the battle. Your pores open and close. Just because you've washed your scent off the outside of your body doesn't mean you're scent-free. When you start working up a sweat while you're walking to your deer stand from the pickup truck, your pores will open up and release all that Axe body wash and Right Guard scent that they absorbed before the last time they closed. I learned this from working in a hog plant up in Sioux County. I'd shower for 30 minutes straight after work, put on all that pretty-smelling deodorant and cologne crap, and then go out with my girlfriend. By the end of the night, my girlfriend would tell me I smelled a little bit like a hog. As my body temp rose, my scent came out of my pores and it didn't matter how much I scrubbed in the shower before my date.

Chloroflage is probably great stuff. Don't buy the expensive gum. Just buy Cloriseptic (sp?). It's the same thing. Make it part of an overall scent control strategy which means avoiding all that perfumed garbage for about a week before you start hunting--not just the morning of the hunt.
I have heard there is some valid science behind this as well, especially if you have bad breath issues.... like me.... when I wear a face mask I can hardly stand myself...
and YES, i do brush my teeth.... jerks..... chronically....

and agreed, you will poop better! :D should be a good portion of your daily recommended fiber intake!
Oh man... now you are telling me that Axe body wash is bad for deer? It has been my best cover scent.

It covers human odor just like they say on TV. Isn't that what "cover scent" is for?

Guess I'll have to switch back to Old Spice cover scent.
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