Update ... Disclaimer : For those of you that know me on here, please do not run wild around the town with these pictures on here, thats the last thing I need going around with how many people hunt the same ground I do and the permission others have around it...I refused to send this picture to anyone until now. You know who you are and dont know how much this deer would mean to me If I ever have the opportunity to take it, coming from a guy whose been chasing whitetails for 10 years now (going on 5 with a bow) and yet to get one even close to being put on the wall...
That said, good and bad news... Good news, I decided to post the trail cam pics of the deer I was after, bad news is I decided to this only because he broke off his 3rd main beam and I dont think I am going to take this deer for the hopes he lives next year.
Never hunted this farm for the sole fact is there is nothing there.... but heard a rumor of a giant spotted so I decided to hang a cam, after a week the card pull yielded nothing, I forgot about it then two weeks later took the cam down but for the heck of it decided to check the card when this guy showed up.....
Instantly had the shakes, made this thread, I went back to the property and put up 2 more cameras hung my stand and trimmed my lanes.... 2 weeks later Got him out of velvet looking oh so good, this started the obsession where I started mapping the ground driving around at night trying to figure out where he was , sitting on the road with the binos till dark, checking cameras in the rain to be scent free ect....
October rolls around I finally get my east wind and hop up in my stand , see a few does, few scrubs, but never saw the big boy, climbed down pulled my card and raced home to check it when I found this .
The last beam is long gone, still trying to wrap my head around this as the only other 2 bucks on the camera are both basket rack 1-2 year olds..The only thing I can think of is hit by a car....
So that leaves the debate will he live... or should I take him, Im leaning on letting him live to see If I can find his sheds and go after him another year.
Anyway just had some free time, thought I would update you all on the one I called "the one" . And for you all wondering , yes I was crushed like a 16 year old girl stood up on prom night and had to drown in the sorrows of a few busch lights.