Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

CLOSE! But I Passed my test


New Member
Well, I passed my test I set for myself this year. I said at the beginning of the season that I wouldn't shoot a buck unless it was well over 150". I shot a doe last weekend and I'm setting my standards higher than last years buck.
Last night I went in on a recon hunt, checking out a piece of land I got permission on. I ended up walking around 2 farms with 60 lbs. of crap strapped to my back. By the time I got settled in my stand it was about 5:15.

I ended up seeing 2 little bucks and a dandy 10 pointer. I grunted at the 10 pointer as he was crossing a creek bottom about 60 yards away. He came right in and he was pissed. The buck was snorting and looking for trouble. He was about 145" and a trophy by any means. He stopped and offered me 3 different broadside shots, just begging for my Muzzy.
I hope that I don't end up kicking myself in the ass come December, but you can't shoot a Booner if you tag the first 145" buck that walks by. Besides, I have Nov. 6-14 off for RUT-WEEK.
LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!! <font color="red"> </font>

Coach, AKA: The Bucktoothed Ninja
Glad to hear you stuck to your guns, you can't get a giant if you take the first good one you get a chance at. You'll always know you could have had him in the end, that for myself.....is always enough.
Nothing wrong with that, to me a good picture is a close second to a set of antlers on the wall...
You did the right thing. Just be patient and it will happen.
Wow - way to go..

Did ya ever draw on him and think to yourself 'your mine if I wanted' ?

Good luck during 'Rut week'
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