Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Cold front


Well-Known Member
This rut so far has been pretty good to me. I've seen a few real mature bucks. 150 plus.
But who here is ready for the cold front tommorow and this weekend??
I am excited. All I have been thinking about all day while working. Haven't been out since Sunday and think it should be GOOD:D
I'll be out in the morning and sit as long as I can but I have family obligations all weekend. But I'm off again all next week and the following week. Should only get better.
I am pumped but it's gonna be windy. I can feel the tree swaying now. Dramamine for motion sickness and energy drinks to overcome the tiredness from the Dramamine. Nuthin like taking one drug to chase the side effects of another. Like I've never done that before.
was able to change my weekend to fri/sat this week so ill be in stand bright and early tomorrow
I'll also be in a tree early and all day if needed. Sat today from 9-dark and it was my worst sit of the year but combine was running in field adjoining me for 3/4 of the sit. It can only get better.

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Ok check it off. Where's everyone at this morning?? I'm on the end if a pine ridge, surrounded by a doe bedding areas. Weather was perfect for a silent entry.
Sitting in a natural funnel between standing corn alfalfa field along the creek to river bottom for bedding. Two does land a dink
Did a little rattling and grunting this morning. Haven't seen a thing. Which is weird. With the cool temp. Normally this spot is just loaded with does.
Just about crapped my pants!! Had a huge tree just crash to the ground. I'm awake now. I've seen 7 does so far.
I'm set up at a desk on the sw corner of a factory as the sun peaks over the horizon. I'm in my office reading your posts and going a little insane. Every time I grunt the woman next to me stares at me like I need a helmet. I haven't peed on the floor yet but I did catch myself pawing at the ground with my right foot while reading an email. Vacation starts in 3 hours. Please Lord make the clock move just a tick faster!

Good luck everyone this is our time so enjoy every minute!
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Sitting in a funnel area. I've seen a dozen does and a spike. The spike bird dogged every single doe that came through. His super high pitched grunts made me wonder if his nuts have dropped yet!
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