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I'm mostly going by the weather channels forecast, Lovetohunt. It's been NW, or WNW here and will remain the same for awhile yet. I wonder if we'll get any accumulating snow. We're suppose to get snow showers, but weather or not it accumulates to anything... It should make great hunting for those who are hunting.
I'm mostly going by the weather channels forecast, Lovetohunt. It's been NW, or WNW here and will remain the same for awhile yet. I wonder if we'll get any accumulating snow. We're suppose to get snow showers, but weather or not it accumulates to anything... It should make great hunting for those who are hunting.

My app says switching to the south Friday around noon and staying out of the south till Sunday at noon then out of the west. It's usually pretty reliable but who knows when weather is involved.
I saw at least 6 bucks tonight pushing does all over in a 15 acre corn and crp field. It was amazing. If this holds out through the weekend it will be a great show. I was a half mile away so I couldn't tell any real details on racks but I could see racks with binocs and does running hard to get away.
Wow, really, that's interesting. What app is that? I hope your right. Re-checked the forecast and it showed NW. May just be based on location.
I use the weather-underground ap. Could be a location deal I guess.

Okay, thanks for letting me know that - Bowtech. Some Decent news is it's suppose to be in the S, SE during time supposedly when most does are being bred. SE is Not the most Ideal wind, and will have to switch spots, but better than a NW wind most the time! Oh, and we were slated for a SW wind during the period that your app said --- Just forecasted for Nightime - humrrph!
My opinion on all this is deer hunker in weather like this. Move less conserve energy. Move less more nocturnal possibly when this breaks more day movement. Anyway once we get to this point my little neighborhood group of deer are dispersed all over the place.
I really don't this this is COLD weather to a deer but probably right in their comfort range. Not that cold for us either except we have been spoiled with 60 degree weather for so long this season.
My opinion on all this is deer hunker in weather like this. Move less conserve energy. Move less more nocturnal possibly when this breaks more day movement. Anyway once we get to this point my little neighborhood group of deer are dispersed all over the place.

Very True, Loneranger. Glad you figured your ground out. At any rate.. This kind of setups like a late season hunt or stand hunting during when the orange army is out. You can bet great action early and late, but Deer also need to eat during the frigid times, and some may be out earlier when the majority deer are bedded. Some deer are loner - rebel types and move when they want. Others follow the crowd when everyone else is out with everything else inbetween. Point is nobody is going to exactly for sure when that buck will show itself, let alone present an opportunity. Hunt the way you feel is the best for your situation/area. Good Luck and Hope another Dandy presents an opportunity like that giant you knabbed awhile back, Loneranger.
I have seen the two biggest bucks all year in past 20 hours. Lots of deer moving. They have really been moving in last hour here...
GR - Most Definetly agree. If it means keep having the indian summers we've been having; I'll take it.

HuntinPack - Most Definitely.

MNBuck - How Big? That's Great to Hear and Makes me Hate NW winds even more!
MNBuck - How Big? That's Great to Hear and Makes me Hate NW winds even more!

The one yesterday at 2PM was a 150s 8 pt. Just an awesome buck...

The other was this morning right at first light 6:20AM was a 160 10 pt.

I was driving both times I saw them.

Those are both VERY large deer for the area.
^ Wow, Were they both Typicals? Crazy how it's usually from a vehicle when you witness the most Deer movement.
I've been seeing the best all day movement since this weather moved in. Deer been on their feet all day. Just on the lee side of a timbered ridge. Now granted these were the same 15 or so deer. Moved all day, but in the same general spot.
When is everyone seeing the most activity? If I didn't have a bulging disc I'd sit all day but I'm limited to 3-4 hours at a time. I sat every evening last week and only saw deer 2 of those nights. Would you guys rather hunt say 10-2 or something like that? Dad duty has me locked up in the mornings too during the week.
Saturday morning I saw the one buck I'm hunting at 9AM. He didn't look like he planned on bedding down at all. Sunday afternoon I saw him chasing a doe an hour before dark. He's in a out of the way place and in a small parcel so I can only hunt the exterior with these nw winds. If we get the Northeast wind that they are calling for on Sunday I'm making my move. If not I will keep hunting the fringe of his core area.
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