Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Cold Weather Bore Butter


The first time I took some bore butter to the field in cold weather the tube turned to stone.

I like the stuff, but it does not fair well in sub zero hunting temps in the squeeze tube. So I tried something that seems to work well.

I put it into an empty chapstick tube in the warm comforts of the shop and throw it into the PBag. Even if it hardens up you just crank it up and apply as needed. :way:

BW Pat. Pending

I only use bore butter when hunting with my MK 85 & Barnes MZ Expander sabots, reloading can be a little easier with lube.

BTW SB, can't tell much difference. I think the BB may have a better flavor.:grin:
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