Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Concerning picture to get!!!! Mystery!?!? Your random pics


Staff member
Pulled this card by my house. Going through and out of the blue find this!!! I thought- neighbor across road shot him in shoulder and ran by cam. This pic was from early/mid November. I asked the neighbors- no one shot a buck they didn’t find.
So- fast forward to last week.... he walks in front of me. Totally fine. Cant see a wound. What’s your thoughts or ideas?!? Wound from another buck? BS story from neighbor across road and just flesh wound hitting shoulder? I’m stumped. Happy he’s fine but stumped.

If u have any random or odd pics - post em too. Interesting to see what cams catch!!


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Maybe a superficial wound from another buck that bled down leg and got perfect angle to see all the blood? Cool pic!

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