Copenhagen and Scent-LOK?


Active Member
Alright I have a concern here. It probably belongs in a different forum but here it is. I chew pretty regularly while I am deer hunting. This year I just got a new ScentLok suit and mask, and gloves and the whole works. But am I defeating the whole purpose while I am spittin my chaw on the ground. I usually make a dirt spot about two foot wide right at the base of my tree and hit that, or I swallow it sometimes but that doesnt really do it for me. So I was just wondering if anybody else had any of their tricks up their sleeves to share, and Im sure quitting is one of em... Maybe we fellow chewers should invent the ScentLok Spitoon and hang it from our EZ hanger bow holders hahah.
I've heard some say that they've had deer come in and sniff the area on the ground where they have been spitting. They say the sweet smell of the tobacco made them curious.
cant you just wait till your walkig out or take it out before u get in stand?

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get ahold of your addiction Man!!
There was a post on this topic last year and the consensus was that it does not seem to bother the deer at all. Some have even stopped and sniffed a spent "plug" with no alarm at all. I have not harvested numerous big bucks but have had my fair share down wind of my spit with no noticable issues.
I have a nice spot with a little tree right next to the one I am sitting in so I spit on the upper part of that tree if I am chewing.
Do like I did for years and just gut it....I finally found it was just too expensive and bad for the gums so I just quit
Oh,... I've shot about thirty bucks with some "Fresh Cope" in my lip...did I get winded by some I didn't get a shot at? Maybe...

Got winded anyway...maybe?

Spit Cope on a does head out of the stand maybe 20 times...

Ever see Clint Eastwood spit on that bug in the movies? That's what I like to do with does under my stand.

Seriously, if I'm hunting something really special and want to be careful, take a twist off cap bottle and put it in your cargo pocket for a spitter.

Some guys can quit, some guys don't ever want to....
There was a post on this topic last year and the consensus was that it does not seem to bother the deer at all. Some have even stopped and sniffed a spent "plug" with no alarm at all. I have not harvested numerous big bucks but have had my fair share down wind of my spit with no noticable issues.

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Remember when you took a pee down the side of your tree, then you shot your deer?
I chew Skoal Wintergreen Fine Cut and I have seen the deer lick up my spit on the ground.

I hope that is not considered baiting!!
I hunt with my cousins and one of them chews copenhagen snuff like its his job while the other one smokes malboro lights. However he smokes in the truck and waits untill he gets back to the truck. We have not noticed any deer being scared off due too theese scents although my cousin does gut it for the most part except for when some of the dip comes loose. As far as the cigarets if I can still smell it on him then Im sure the deer can. Not sure if this helps at all but its just what ive noticed.
I'll be completely honest!

Last year while in the stand... my step-dad was chewin and i told him not... to my suprise.. two decent bucks came in to find out what the new scent was.. sniffed around his spit on the ground (becuz my step-dad forgot his bottle..) and the bucks checked it out and minded their own business by feeding into the field away from us... we didnt shoot because we were amazed as to what we just saw and they werent quite big enough for my taste! haha

But that was just them bucks.. o yea.. and 3 does were with them.. so they werent spooked either..