I wouldn't worry about the chewing thing if I were you, I live with cope in my lip all day long, I piss in scrapes when I happen to be close to them and I don't bother carring a bottle around for anything other than a beverage ! Deer are NOT afraid of ALL scents, somehow the marketers of those scent products have brainwashed people into believing otherwise ! Deer do not like HUMAN odor, and they do not know that you BOUGHT your leaves to chew on ! They actually like to chew on leaves also, it is part of their diet ! Neither can they tell that the water I drank before I pissed in their scrape came from a bottle instead of a stream. Ya'll are thinking way too much about this. Eliminate HUMAN scent ( you know armpits, groin,a**, etc...) and chew all you want, pee all you want, and try focusing on seeing/shooting the deer. I chew all natural cope with no flavors added because that is what I like, but most "flavors" that are added to tobacco products are natural smells. Your liver and kindneys filter what you drink, and a deer cannot tell the difference between your urine or that of any other omnivore. I just happen to kill more "quality" deer that most of my peers, and I do it with Copenhagen in my mouth while I am hunting, instead of sitting at home making excuses about why not to hunt. Being in the field, hunting deer will put more antlers in your trophy room than worrying about bottling your excess fluids ! Good luck . . .