Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



the cucumber smell is ridiculous! any idea on how to get rid of these things? they are around my new house(that is still not freaking completed), can't find them, but i sure as hell can smell them! i know that sometimes when an oak bleeds it will sometimes have a cucumber smell but i know it's not the oaks. right now i have a perfect setting for those little fellers to be hangin' around: stacks of lumber, lots of straw, large wood piles, you get the picture. i want to get rid of them bad because i am scared that when someone comes to visit, like my 18 month old nease, they might get bit. i know ya'll got some secrets, responses are appreciated!!!
I think all you need is a turban and a bamboo flute
Go back to bed SplitG, season will be here soon.

Hunt on All4s
SplitG3,I have heard where the bigger blacksnakes will kill cooperheads,not sure how true it is.But if you come across a big blacksnake,catch him and let him go in your wood pile,that's my guess where the cooperheads would be.What do you have to lose?blacksnakes are harmless and are good to have around for rodent control,just have to find one.As kids we would find and catch them alot in barns within stored hay.I've been biten in the past trying to catch them,but their basically harmless.Give it a try and see if it works.
move. plain and simple.

my wife wanted to move south when she was finished with her masters degree. i did a google search and showed her the home range of all the southern nasty snakes. i was then informed we're not living south of keokuk.

I think this is what PAHunter might be talikng about..... I have captured this black rat snake a couple of times since July. Hanging around our barn working on our serious rodent problem I hope?? If you think he would help, I would be willing to loan him out as long as I get him back??

If God meant for man to touch snakes your hand would have grown in with a sharp edge.

Damn I hate snakes.
If I saw that snake all you would see from me is a [censored] and elbows running the other way!!!! I absolutely hate snakes. I would move.
Some people don't like the cold weather of Saskatchewan but there's a plus, no snakes, just garter snakes, no ticks up north and harmless spiders, my least favorite things in the world are snakes and spiders, I'd be moving splitg3,.....to Sakatchewan.
If you have an 18 mo. old running around with copperheads around ,keep her inside. My best friend, 6' 225lbs got bit about a month ago by a copperhead in his back yard. He thought he stepped on a nail. Anyway he was in the hospital for 2 days and said it was the worst pain he ever felt.His leg swelled up to twice the normal side. I would hate to see what happened to a little kid.
i would bet a 410, 28, or 20 gauge would do nicely....or a 22......or if you in the city and the neighbors are a little gun shy i bet a .177 pellet would prolly work too...ive killed rabbits at 30 yards with a beaman pellet gun.

or you could just move!

my .02,

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