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I was responding to ElkHunter in my post. My point is things have changed since some have bought their land. I don't expect that to change anyones opinion on this issue but that argument is not valid. A NR LO could legally come out and bow hunt with a doe tag and legally tag a buck with a buck tag of someone hunting with them. This is still done during shotgun season. Laws change all the time just like this particular law.
I didn't say anyone cares what other states do again just responding to a previous post by elkhunter.
Change is not bad all the time. Some is and some isn't. I would argue that NR LO tags is not all bad. Depends on which situation you are in. If you hunt by permission only and don't have your own ground it may not be so good. If you own ground and have any intentions of selling one day this would probably be a good change. Property values would definitely increase.
Anyway just insert a dead horse being hit by a stick. These threads are all the same. No one is going to change anyones mind.

Dangibbs1-No it has never been legal to party hunt during archery season in Iowa! If you or anyone else ever did this you broke the law. Party hunting is only legal during shotgun seasons in Iowa.

I suggest you work to change the rules in your home state and before you come back to Iowa to hunt I would brush up on the rules and regs.

I'd be very careful what you post, I sure hope the DNR is reading these posts!
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Dangibbs1; have you ever read the hunting regulation for Iowa? Not just in the last year, but for the last 30 or 40 years! You are the very definiton for why hunting regulations get changed! Also why some NRLO's get a bad rap.
Dangibbs1-No it has never been legal to party hunt during archery season in Iowa! If you or anyone else ever did this you broke the law. Party hunting is only legal during shotgun seasons in Iowa. QUOTE]

They are right, it has never been legal to party hunt during archery season, resident or not. Those who have done it have broken the law........ period.

This has been hashed out over and over so I'll only add my 2 cents and politely bow out. I have hunted two states outside of Iowa. One I used to hunt every year. That state then raised non resident tag prices, much higher than I can afford. I didn't write the law makers for that state or complain on websites dominated by their residents. I didn't ask or demand that anyone change the laws to make it better for me. I simply save my money for a few years and go when I can afford it. (which has been about every 4 years) It is not my place to complain. I can chose to abide by their regs and prices, or chose to hunt elsewhere.

Many are fighting for the right to hunt this elite whitetail state every year not realizing that what has made Iowa elite is the laws that are currently in place. They have no idea how many years it took us to get here. (Iowa wasn't always the big buck state it is today) Changes such as those proposed by FOI would quickly lower the quality of our hunting down to the level of several other former desired whitetail destinations. The same places they are not wanting to buy land because they don't have the big bucks they used to have (without paying an outfitter or leasing).

On a side note, I am helping a non resident from Michigan who drew a tag this year, a person whom I have never met, only through this forum. I am lining him up to hunt one of the proprties that I hunt and assisting him on obtaining permission on a neighboring farm. There is nothing in this for me at all. I know many members of this site personally and I know that most would do the same to help a courteous non resident. This is not a resident vs. Non-resident issue. We as residents are simply trying to maintain what we have and only oppose those who are trying to change our laws for their bennifit and our demise.

And that's all I've got to say about that!:D I think we all need to go climb a tree!
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I was responding to ElkHunter in my post. My point is things have changed since some have bought their land. I don't expect that to change anyones opinion on this issue but that argument is not valid. A NR LO could legally come out and bow hunt with a doe tag and legally tag a buck with a buck tag of someone hunting with them. This is still done during shotgun season. Laws change all the time just like this particular law.
I didn't say anyone cares what other states do again just responding to a previous post by elkhunter.
Change is not bad all the time. Some is and some isn't. I would argue that NR LO tags is not all bad. Depends on which situation you are in. If you hunt by permission only and don't have your own ground it may not be so good. If you own ground and have any intentions of selling one day this would probably be a good change. Property values would definitely increase.
Anyway just insert a dead horse being hit by a stick. These threads are all the same. No one is going to change anyones mind.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Seriously, you didn't know the regulations to Iowa any better than that, and you were hunting the state, now your trying to get the regulations change?

I think its hilarious that you get on a public forum, mainly based of Iowa residents that deer hunt, and admitt that you have been breaking the law.
In response to ElkHunter:
1)Iowa changed the way NR LO get tags when they CHANGED the law by doing away with archery doe tags for the NR. When I bought my land this was the deal. I was able to get a doe tag and party hunt with a resident friend of mine. This has CHANGED. So the whole argument about knowing the rules when we bought ground here is ridiculous. Things change all the time. I would suspect at some point they will change to the favor of the NR LO.

Im pretty sure this is why they did away with the non resident archery doe tags.Who pays to come to iowa to bowhunt one doe during the iowa rut.There was a group from missouri that came up every year during the iowa rut with only doe tags.
Oh wow, take foot and insert into mouth. To protest you know the laws and then to come out on a public forum and admit in your own post you broke the law. Takes kahoonas or something.
somebody stop the madness.... PLEASE!! I'm getting a headache....
and.... I might have to throw up, just a little....

wow, this isnt really happening is it?? tell me he was joking.... :D funny stuff right there!

Care to provide your name and address?? I know a few COs who would love to talk with you!
Alright guys I'm here to eat crow. I was misinformed about the archery regulations. I was under the impression it was the same for archery as gun. I knew they changed the law to eliminate archery doe tags but did not realize party hunting with a bow was never legal.
For the record I have never party hunted or even had a doe tag in the state of Iowa. When I bought my ground archery doe tags were still offered but I never bought one or hunted with a doe tag.
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Alright guys I'm here to eat crow. I was misinformed about the archery regulations. I was under the impression it was the same for archery as gun. I knew they changed the law to eliminate archery doe tags but did not realize party hunting with a bow was never legal.
For the record I have never party hunted or even had a doe tag in the state of Iowa. When I bought my ground archery doe tags were still offered but I never bought one or hunted with a doe tag.
Like I have said no one is going to change anyone's mind on the NR LO issue.

and you even drew a tag this year didnt you.
Good luck in Iowa this year!

I agree with Critter! See we residents aren't all that bad.
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Alright guys I'm here to eat crow. I was misinformed about the archery regulations. I was under the impression it was the same for archery as gun. I knew they changed the law to eliminate archery doe tags but did not realize party hunting with a bow was never legal.
For the record I have never party hunted or even had a doe tag in the state of Iowa. When I bought my ground archery doe tags were still offered but I never bought one or hunted with a doe tag.

I'll give ya a thumbs up for having the sac to come back on here and admit you were wrong. :way: Most guys would have just thrown out some sort of vulgar trash talk and never visited the site again........nice job!
Alright guys I'm here to eat crow. I was misinformed about the archery regulations. I was under the impression it was the same for archery as gun. I knew they changed the law to eliminate archery doe tags but did not realize party hunting with a bow was never legal.
For the record I have never party hunted or even had a doe tag in the state of Iowa. When I bought my ground archery doe tags were still offered but I never bought one or hunted with a doe tag.
So; you are admitting you don't know what you're talking about. That's good, but i suppose that's better than admitting you have or are breaking the law. Now that you brought up the NRLO's doe tags for gun hunting; i'd like to point out this is also a very abused program. Neighboring resident landowners will gladly let the NRLO shoot a buck for the chance to hunt the NRLO land during shotgun and even bow season. I've seen this happen too many times.
Ya know I find it really interesting that almost every one who claims to be NRLO on here and posts very derisive comments doesn't even have the personal conviction to even list where they are from so that we Iowa residents can return the favor and attempt to attach our agenda to their home state game regulations.

I also get really tired of hearing how these NRLOs are such good tax paying landowners. I don't know how to find it but I am sure that the tax dollar information is out there some where. I am also very certain that the actual property taxes paid by the NRLOs is a very small percentage of the property taxes paid by their Resident Land owner neighbors, who by the way also help to produce the deer who the NRLOs wish to hunt on an equal basis. This doesn't even consider all the other taxes that are paid by residents besides the property taxes.. How many NRLO acres are enrolled in the TAX FREE timber reserve program?

Some one asked if we would really be impacted by an increase of 4000 to 6000 extra NRLO tags. I have been personally effected by the current numbers of NR tags sold, much less by an increase. I can no longer deer hunt on several farms that we were able to hunt in the 80's and 90's before the increases in NR licenses. Even more than that there are several farms that I can no longer bird hunt on because NR hunter groups have leased them for deer hunting and I might disturb THEIR deer just by being on the ground even though they might only have a couple of shotgun or late ML tags between all of them. I can personally say the NR hunters have taken away my ability to hunt multiple species on more that 1500 acres that I had permission to hunt on before the current deer craze. So YES it has impacted me!:mad:

The really sad thing, at least to me, is our total antlered buck harvest for 2009 was only 47,377. This was only about 34 percent of the total deer harvest. This was the result of over 350,000 licenses sold, most of which were any sex licenses. I don't know for sure but I would estimate that at least half or 2/3s of those were just bucks with horns that were small 6 or 8 pointers with no kind of trophy status. That leaves just a little over 20,000 trophy animals harvested last year, which means that our wonderful trophy deer reputation is really only a sham because our deer herd is disappearing so rapidly. If the laws were changed to grant more antlered tags to more NRLO hunters how long would it be before there would be only 8,000 or 9,000 trophy bucks harvested in Iowa? And if the NRLO had enough money and land to almost guarantee that they would harvest at least one of those few trophies and 12,000 or 15,000 tags are issued to NR hunters where does that leave the Resident hunters? :thrwrck:


This thread was kind of dead and you brought it back. Minnesota, come to our state and complain about the regs. I don't care. You are not alone, we have NR cabin owners catching our fish like crazy and actually keeping them...seriously. I've been personally affected as I was going to buy a lake lot but an Iowa NR bought the lot instead so I instead have to live in my shack (not on the lake).

Do the math, 47,377 bucks harvested and you say 20,000 were of trophy status. Considering that there are (x) amount of tags available to non-residents, what percentage of the 47,377 bucks are currently shot by non-residents. Less than 10%?

Again, as I mentioned before, lots of opportunity for NRLO and residents to get along on here, but if you have a entitlement mentality then you will have to sit on the computer and complain, while others are either buying their farm to secure a spot, or sending a PM to NRLO and making friends so they can hunt on their land...

Honestly, I think you guys have almost converted me to thinking the 3 year wait is not a bad thing, but come on be realistic you are never going to stop the influx of NRLO. Sorry for the sarcasm but face reality, do what you can to keep Iowa a great deer state, but you will not keep outsiders from buying farms in Iowa, just as we will not keep NR from buying lakeshore in MN...
Do the math, 47,377 bucks harvested and you say 20,000 were of trophy status. Considering that there are (x) amount of tags available to non-residents, what percentage of the 47,377 bucks are currently shot by non-residents. Less than 10%?

I can understand your frustration with the fishing, and property purchases, but that's comparing apples and oranges. Your talking about fishing public lakes which is available to everyone that has a license.

I'm don't think the numbers of bucks that NRLO or NR hunters kill in Iowa is the issue. The bigger picture is the lost hunting area's on private property. Resident purchases and leases we probably will have to live with. But if the NRLO law is changed all of us that are not fortunate enough to own property likely will be shut out because now we will have to compete with guys with money from every corner of the US. I don't know about anyone else but I can't afford that. That's all bad enough by itself but what is that gonna do to the deer herd? My guess is the same thing that has happened elsewhere. Not any deer on public ground and many on private ground.
I think everyone is getting alittle off track on this thread. I'm a resident landowner. I've lost plenty of hunting properties in the past also, but few were to NRLO's. This isn't about the number of NRLO's in the state. It's about the FOI, and their agenda to change the current deer hunting regulations in Iowa! It just happens to be that the FOI are made up of a percentage of NRLO's. If anything; i would like to know what the percentage of NRLO's belong to the FOI or any other organization that has been formed solely for their own greedy benifit.
One of the major spearhead thrusts of the FOI is the push for " EQUAL hunting privileges" for the NRLOs because they should be ENTITLED to have a guaranteed license every year just because they own land here. Currently they say it isn't even a money issue they just want to be able to hunt deer on their land every year. Since they can currently get a doe license to hunt their land every year, in essence they are saying they want to hunt bucks only every year on their land. If these changes were to be made then in a very short time their complaint or issue would become "We should be ENTITLED to a FREE LANDOWNER tag just like resident land owners and we should be able to buy a any sex tag as well, because we own land here and pay taxes just like the residents". The point is that they are not residents and should not be granted the same privileges as residents.
Serious question: how many of you know for sure you would be directly affected by the increase of non-resident hunters and/or a benefit for non-resident landowning hunters?

I would be and can prove it. Right now in the county I hunt there are two outfitters that lease ground near my hunting ground. They complain that they can't get enough NR hunters every year. They have quit leasing some ground because they can't get the NR hunters. If they increased it they would lease the ground again and more. So to anwser your question, Yes, I know FOR SURE it would directly affect me!!!!! Why not just move here if you bought the land and complain about not getting drawn? Then you can get your tag from the state you live in now as a NR.
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