Corben's youth season buck


PMA Member
After 1 week of musical blinds, we were all on the same field at the same time. Every afternoon hunt prior, he either showed up right after dark on the camera, or was getting his picture taken on another field. Saturday afternoon he came out around 6:00 pm but another deer snorted and they all bailed, but hung out on the edge. Finally he came back out feeding across the clover towards the mock rub tree. He did not make it. At 92 yards Corben put a good shot on him, but he took off to my thickest nastiest part of the farm, leaving very little blood. We came back to the house after seeing how little blood we had, to look at the video on the big screen.
I spent 3 hours untill 1:00 am trying to find more blood, but it was nearly impossible in the 3 foot tall grass and thick green undergrowth. At first light I walked right to him. He went 150 yards but it took 2 hours to get him out of the big hole he died in. A great buck, we have a ton of history with.

The last rub pics of him from the top field.







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Corben strikes again! Good job boys! Heck of a buck! He seems bigger than the pictures! Congrats

Thanks guys, he is bigger than everyone thought. He went from a mainframe 8 to a 10 and put on alot more mass. He grosses in the low 170's, with 6" bases, 12 inch g-2's and 6 1/2 brows.


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Like I said last night Joe! You raised some Natural Born Killers! LOL
Awesome deer again, Congrats!
The shed is awesome to:)