Lots of great comments here.
So many variables here that there is no "REAL ANSWER", just great tips like guys have provided. You might have a bumper bean crop if things like neighboring crops keep em off, do the beans right, etc. You just as easily could look back and go "holy crap, I got wiped out". But good news there, you'll likely know that by end of July/August if it looks like plants are doing well.... If not..... Go nuts with loading your destroyed beans with turnips/radish and then a rye mix like in dbltree's postings for rotations. In almost ANY case, I find the worst beans and turn those into brassicas or mix anyways. Edges or areas they hit hard.
For best success or CHANCE on beans....
This would be IDEAL. Not all of this is critical. Some of it is COSTLY so it's up to you. How much do you wanna spend. BUT, here's ideal, IMO...
-IMO - I'd plant heavier, 200k-250k
-Soil test and apply asap. Without I'd put down ACTUAL N-P-K & pelletized lime: 10-75-75 & 300 lbs of pelletized lime. PER ACRE. small amount of sulfur. ASAP so P&K can break down & be utilized. Worst case, if don't do soil test and PH is fine, your Pelletized lime will provide calcium.
-If not erodible.... I'd work ground up. Sure not necessary but it will help. Sod sucks, dead or dying. No till works great but on new sod, if not erodible & can do it, I like working up the 1st time a crop goes in.
-USE INEXPENSIVE INNOCULANT ON BEANS! have coop order or order online just before planting. New beans, this is a huge help - will help fix N where that bacteria to create is almost surely lacking in soil.
-SPRAY SPRAY! Kill that stuff deader than dead. Strongly suggest pre-emergents along with you typical post emergents, Pre's like Metolachlor, Prowl H20- I use both. Spray when weeds are small!!!
-I'd plant May or coordinate when other crops of neighbors go in. Don't plant too late, they will be destroyed. Both too early and too late have downsides & upsides... All said and done - I'd plant earlier VS later if had the choice & wanted the most pod production and best chance for success.
Back up plans sure are handy... If they get pummeled - brassicas and a rye mix later and you're gonna have a killer plot no matter. good luck.